Unusual or exotic trees : the Olive Tree.
by Lewis, 14 February, 2020, 1 comments
The olive tree [Olea europaea] , is an evergreen tree native to the mediterranean area. Indeed, it is often cited as an ‘indicator plant’ for the area. It is of major agricultural importance throughout the mediterranean basin as it is the source of olive oil.
Generally, the outline of the tree is somewhat short and squat†, its height varies between 8 –15 M. The oblong/spear-shaped leaves are silvery green; the upper surface is green, whereas the lower surface is more silvery. The leaves measure between 4–10 cm in length and are between 1–3 cm in width. Olive trees can be very long lived and, as the tree ages, the trunk frequently becomes gnarled and twisted. The tree produces small, white, ‘feathery’ flowers on the previous year's growth. Read more...