SOLD: Calvert Wood £96,000 Freehold
- Kiplin, Catterick, North Yorkshire
- about 5½ acres
- Northern England
A sunny clearing.
The wood has been managed for a firewood supply.
Mown path
Clearing at the centre of the wood.
Birch trees and ferns.
Coppiced hazel and other poles.
Horse being used to extract firewood for the owners timber supply.
View towards one of the clearings.
Ferns and moss covering the woodland floor.
Lovely pippy oaks near the track.
Path to the clearing.
Lots of acorns this year.
Oak, ash and birch with some hazel in one of the coppice areas.
Comma butterfly resting on an oak.
Some old coppice stools.
View through to the clearing.
Hoof fungus growing on a dead standing birch, great for wildlife.
Ferns and bramble growing beside a path
Herb Robert flowering at the wood.
Un-ripe blackberrys.
Clearing seeded with wildflower mix.
Shared track outside the boundary.
Access from the road.
illuminated by sunshine.
Bench near the edge of a clearing.
Fungus found in a clearing.
Entrance to the right of the track.
Parking space at the north eastern corner.
View up the track outside the northern boundary.
Calvert Wood is a very appealing mix of the native deciduous broadleaf trees typical of English woodlands, on level ground with good access. Native ferns, pennywort, dogs mercury and bramble clothe the woodland floor, over which there are hazel coppice and trees of mixed age.
High above, oaks, sycamore, ash, cherry, birch and occasional beech, merge to form the canopy catching as much of the light as possible from which the trees convert the sun’s energy into timber.
The previous owner has created and maintained paths to that make it easy to access the wood, linking areas that have been coppiced with sections of the wood that have been thinned to provide firewood. The natural regeneration in these areas is strong. A couple of glades have been created too and these are filled with grasses and wildflowers, looking particularly attractive in early summer.
To take advantage of everything in the wood you can sit on the rustic bench in the clearing behind the ride-stop entrance way, listening the rustling of leaves in the breeze. Or, better still, camp in a glade and take in the birdsong dawn chorus, owls hooting in dead of night or the alarm calls as birds prepare to roost.
The woodland has been managed for a supply of wood fuel and the result of the coppicing and thinning work has helped to create a rich habitat of grassy paths, sunny glades, dense coppice growth and areas of bramble. This mosaic is ideal for a wide range of wildlife; invertebrates love the clearings, and they are a great place to spot butterflies on a warm day.
The dense parts provide cover for roe deer, to lay up during the day, as well as great nesting and roosting for birds such as wrens, robins and blackbirds, whilst the taller trees attract nuthatches and treecreepers. These opportunities are enhanced by a number of nest boxes installed around the wood.
Buzzards can often be seen overhead, wheeling around, making their characteristic mewing call.
- Good vehicle access along two boundaries
- Network of paths (not public footpaths)
- Several sunny glades
- Mature trees
- Areas of coppice
- Plenty of wood fuel
Access, tracks and footpaths
Access to Calvert Wood is from a quiet B road and between two houses onto a stone track, leading to the wood entrance. There is space to park one or two vehicles here. From the parking, a well-maintained grass path gives access around the wood and links to some of the glades.
As the entrance track is shared with our two neighbours, please take a printout of the details with you when viewing.
Rights and covenants
A lovely wood to enjoy peace and quiet, escaping the rigours of everyday life, surrounded by nature. Perfect for picnics or occasional camping, sitting round a campfire and feeding the human spirit.
Alternatively, the wood also offers the option to embrace working woodland rigours! The new owner could be self-sufficient in domestic firewood and a continuation of the coppicing work would yield a good supply of poles for craft or allotment.
Local area and history
Local history: Although it is outside the stone walls of Kiplin Park the woodland was undoubtedly part of the 4,000 acre estate but was sold off during the last century. Kiplin Hall is now in trust and on display in the Hall is some history including papers relating to the formation of the state of Maryland in the US. In the wood there is evidence of its use during the last war when Kiplin Hall was used by the RAF as a maintenance unit, including the well-stoned hard tracks and the ‘bays’ used for concealed storage.
While viewing the woods it’s well-worth taking the time to visit the Hall, click here for info and opening times.
Wood maps
This wood is now sold, please do not visit the wood without the permission of the owner.
Find this wood
This wood is now sold, please do not visit the wood without the permission of the owner.
- OS Landranger: OS No. 99
- Grid ref: SE 282 982
- Nearest post code: DL10 6AY
- GPS coordinates: 54.3785, -1.56724
Location map
Calvert Wood is about 4 miles off the A1 between Richmond and Northallerton with the Yorkshire Dales to the west and North York Moors to the east.
For Directions From Bing Maps click here, enter your own postcode, (entrance coordinates are already entered) and click on the blue "Get Directions" box. This will take you to the main entrance by the bungalows.
Satnav: the postcode DL10 6AY is for the point shown by the red dot on the location map/s.
Coordinates for satnav: 54.378450 and -1.575566
- Travelling west on the B6271 from Great Langdon, look for the 'Woodlands for Sale' sign on the right.
Take the next right turn signed to Whitwell and Forest.
- From Bolton-on-Swale direction take this left turn a short distance after the entrance to Kiplin Hall.
Continue along this lane, past the Ecolodges then turn sharp right.
The entrance is straight ahead (where the lane turns left) > drive up this private road between the two bungalows > through the open gate > past the large wooden building > travel a short distance along the woodland track and park on the right by the small 'For Sale' sign. Please do not park on the concrete area.
Walk down the track for about 300m > Calvert Wood is ahead and to the right.
How we support our buyers
Membership of the small woodland owners’ group

£300 for a woodland course of your choice

One year's free membership of the royal forestry society

Our regional managers are often out working in our woodlands, so if you email an offer and want to be sure it has been received, please phone our manager on their mobile phone. The first offer at the stated price which is accepted, whether by phone or email, has priority.
Please take care when viewing as the great outdoors can contain unexpected hazards and woodlands are no exception. You should exercise common sense and caution, such as wearing appropriate footwear and avoiding visiting during high winds.
These particulars are for guidance only and, though believed to be correct, do not form part of any contract.
A secluded and accessible broadleaved woodland in a sheltered, peaceful position in North Yorkshire between the Moors and Dales.