SOLD: Laming Gap Wood £79,000 Freehold
- Cotgrave, near Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
- just over 4.5 acres
- Northern England
Large spreading oak tree towards the southern edge of the wood.
Ride-stop with some space to park beyond.
Tall and straight Corsican pines with self-set broadleaves below.
Drainage ditch on the south western boundary.
Dappled sunlight on a bramble patch.
A fairly large elm.
Looking into to one of the hollows.
Internal grass track.
Large old willow with gnarled buttress roots.
Knobbly buttress roots.
Brown tail moth caterpillar
Ferns, including hart's tongue, on the ditch bank.
Bench in a patch of sunlight.
View into one of the hollows.
Pines and broadleaves.
View through the wood with sycamore in the foreground.
Open flat ground below the canopy.
Ditch, which forms the south western boundary of the wood.
A couple of larger oaks with smaller self-set broad leaves.
Holly, close to a boundary marking.
Oak tree near the ride-stop.
Trees are a good age mix.
Well-spaced softwoods.
On arriving at the ride-stop entrance at Laming Gap Wood, it is apparent that the wood has a very pleasant and naturally varied feel about it. A path leads in from here, past a rustic bench – a great place to stop a while and take in the surroundings. From this obvious vantage point is a view of some of the large old oak trees and glimpses down into an old quarrying area where now, mature trees grow.
Natural regeneration is colonising the woodland floor throughout the area, with the next generation of broadleaf trees thriving in patches of dappled sunlight. Small clearings can be found with woodland grasses, wild flowers, native ferns and bramble.
Many useful poles of beech and sycamore are growing, some having been coppiced in the past; they would make a good source for craft work or fire wood.
Towards the southern end of the wood, quite large, straight and well-spaced Corsican pine form much of the canopy, but the wider spacing leave plenty of room plenty to let light in. As a result a pleasant understorey of sycamore and ash is developing. Much of the forest floor is quite clear, punctuated by clumps of privet, hawthorn and blackthorn.
For the length of the western boundary, a seasonal drain marks the boundary line, tending to have water in in autumn and winter. It’s quite a nice feature and a draw for wildlife, crossed by many deer trails. Ferns, including hart's tongue, are found growing on its banks along with many small willows and blackthorn bushes, plus one fairly large elm tree.
Venerable old oak trees with beech, ash, wych elm, sycamore, cherry, pine, poplar, hawthorn, blackthorn, elder, birch, and goat willow .
This private feeling wood has plenty of evidence of the resident wildlife. Game trails pass through the wood and grazed-off foliage is evident too. Two species of deer inhabit the wood, muntjac and roe. In one area some scrapes can be found.
Dead wood affords homes to insects, in turn, birds, such as woodpeckers, feed on them. Up in the varied canopy the large oaks are great habitat for butterflies and other invertebrates – the purple emperor butterfly has been sighted along the rides, close to the wood, laying its eggs on willow leaves.
The keen bird watcher may be able to identify many woodland bird species by their calls and song, which is at crescendo in late spring and early summer all around the wood. Tawny owls, wrens, blackbirds and chiffchaffs amongst the most distinctive.
- Level clear ground with patches of cover for wildlife
- Undulating quarrying area
- A rustic bench
- Space to park at the ride-stop
- Shared grassy ride giving access along the eastern boundary
Access, tracks and footpaths
Access to Laming Gap Wood is from Laming Gap Lane, via a shared stone track leading to a ride-stop with a parking space.
Beyond the ride-stop is a shared grass ride, suitable for fair weather vehicle access along the eastern side of the wood. Within the wood, access is on foot. A public bridlepath is just outside the boundary to the north of the wood.
Rights and covenants
- A great conservation project woodland – nest boxes and habitat enhancements
- Some flat areas suitable for a small tool store or occasional camping
- Firewood and timber for craft projects
Local area and history
The place-name Cotgrave seems to have been derived from the Old English personal name, Cotta with graf (Old English), grove or copse, to make 'Cotta's grove'.
The local area is known as the Vale of Belvoir, meaning ‘beautiful view’, in French. The name was used by the 11th century Norman invaders when the original Belvoir Castle was established, but the native Anglo-Saxon population was unable to pronounce such a foreign word, preferring to call it "Beaver Castle" this pronunciation is still used today. The area’s most famous produce includes Stilton cheese and Melton Mowbray pork pies, both area ideal for a picnic in the woods.
Wood maps
This wood is now sold, please do not visit the wood without the permission of the owner.
Find this wood
This wood is now sold, please do not visit the wood without the permission of the owner.
- OS Landranger: OS No. 126
- Grid ref: SK 650 330
- Nearest post code: NG12 5PG
- GPS coordinates: 52.8911, -1.03514
Location map
Just 10 miles from the centre of Nottingham and 20 miles north of Leicester.
From the South:-
- Travelling along the A46 turn on to the A606 signed to Nottingham.
- Pass the left turn to Widmerpool.
- Continue straight on through Stanton-on-the-Wolds.
- Immediately after leaving Stanton-on-the-Wolds turn right into Laming Gap Lane.
From the West:-
- Travelling along the M52 turn on to the A606 signed to Melton.
- Go under the railway and through Tollerton.
- Go straight on at the traffic lights.
- Pass two left turns to Normanton.
- Immediately before Stanton-on-the Wolds village sign turn left onto Laming Gap Lane.
Laming Gap Lane:-
- Pass Wynnstay Cottage on the left and proceed to a sharp right hand bend.
- Park in the lay-by at this point.
- Cotgrave Forest is 100 metres north east along Wolds Lane.
- Walk round the green entrance barrier and continue along the track (Wolds Lane), at the sharp right hand bend follow the track to the right.
- Continue for 500 metres before taking a right turn close to the western boundary of Cotgrave Forest.
- Laming Gap Wood is located to the right of the track the ride stop is located part way along the boundary.
How we support our buyers
Membership of the small woodland owners’ group

£300 for a woodland course of your choice

One year's free membership of the royal forestry society

Please note this wood is owned by
Our regional managers are often out working in our woodlands, so if you email an offer and want to be sure it has been received, please phone our manager on their mobile phone. The first offer at the stated price which is accepted, whether by phone or email, has priority.
Please take care when viewing as the great outdoors can contain unexpected hazards and woodlands are no exception. You should exercise common sense and caution, such as wearing appropriate footwear and avoiding visiting during high winds.
These particulars are for guidance only and, though believed to be correct, do not form part of any contract. Woodland Investment Management Ltd hereby give notice under section 21 of the Estate Agents Act 1979 of their interest in the land being sold.
An attractive, natural feeling, broadleaf woodland with a mix of trees, some really impressive oaks, planted softwood and poplars