SOLD: Harley Meadow £195,000 Freehold
- Benenden, Kent
- nearly 9 ¾ acres
- Tree planting land South East England
Harley Meadow occupies a private and peaceful location
Looking east over the meadow where apple trees once stood, as part of a much larger orchard
Entrance and ride stop
The pond is a thing of beauty
A wooded path protrudes into the middle of the pond
Looking back up the path towards the entrance
The pond as viewed from the west, looking back at the central bank
Blue skies over Harley meadow
Broadleaved species populate the banks of the pond
Looking down the woodland fringe
Dappled sunlight coming through in the woodland
The woodland fringe is well established
A clearing in the woodland
There is a gentle gradient down to the stream in the valley
Boundary posts are marked with turquoise paint
The western boundary is formed by a stream which runs the length of the woodland fringe
The pond offers opportunities for both recreation and conservation
The right hand section of the pond
Holly bush near the pond
The woodland is a combination of veteran trees and coppice
Looking back up towards the open land
An old rabbit warren in the woodland
Looking out from the woodland to the open land
Down in the grass
A low sun casts shadows across the grass
Expansive skies over the meadow
Autumnal colours
Access track, with the pond on the right hand side
Harley Meadow is a special piece of land. Totalling nearly 9 ¾ acres in the heart of Kent, it comprises open land for planting, a substantial pond, woodland shaw and a stream which runs throughout the length of the woods. This varied landscape makes for a truly magical setting which would be ideally suited for those with conservation, environmental or amenity interests.
As well as providing a significant canvas for afforestation or rewilding (the open land stretches to nearly 7 1/2 acres), the well-established woodland fringe adds valuable diversity to the meadow. As well as a wonderful place to spend time, the established woodland which consists solely of deciduous species provides a valuable seed source which will aid the natural regeneration of the open land. The shaw eventually joins up with the larger Benenden Wood, thereby acting as an important wildlife corridor through which animals can travel, such as badgers, rabbits and deer which are known to be active in the local area. Other wildlife includes a range of woodland and farmland birds, including both pheasant and partridge which can be seen regularly. The addition of new woodland to the open area will only serve to enhance the extensive habitats already in place.
As one approaches the ride stop and entrance, the pond is situated immediately to the left of the access track and is surrounded on all sides by a generous belt of deciduous species, creating an enclave of tranquillity. The pond is almost heart shaped, with a wooded bank protruding into its centre creating two sections which are linked towards its western edge. The pond is in excellent condition and is a generous size at nearly ½ an acre. On a sunny day, a striking array of colours reflect off its still surface. The pond offers wonderful opportunities for recreation including fishing, boating and swimming as well as conservation work maintaining and expanding habitats for newts, frogs, insects and other pondlife. A pond of this beauty is a rare find.
The heart of the meadow is almost entirely flat in nature, with only a very gentle gradient dropping away from the entrance at the eastern boundary in a westerly direction. The land itself has had prior agricultural use in recent years as a part of Apple Pie Farm. Prior to that the land was once a substantial orchard, as can been seen on old ordnance survey maps of the local area, until the apple trees were removed around 30 years ago. It will be pleasing to see trees returned to the land where they once stood under new stewardship.
The eastern and northern edges of the meadow are demarcated by stake boundaries, which could be enhanced by the addition of new hedges across their length. The stream which runs throughout the length of the woodland fringe forms the western boundary, with a stock proof fence around the southern section of pond area marking the final length of the meadow’s boundaries. Boundary features are marked with turquoise paint, aside from the stream.
Harley Meadow presents an opportunity to own a charming parcel of land set within the High Weald AONB, providing a canvas for conservation as well as a place to retreat to from the rhythms of everyday life. The land is perfectly suited for tree planting, being located within an area which has extensive woodland nearby, and provides a space where one can be still, reflect and enjoy the quiet beauty of this private meadow.
- Extensive open land, ideally suited to tree planting
- Decidious woodland shaw along its western edge
- Stream which runs throughout the length of the woodland
- A substantial pond
- A very private and quiet location
Access, tracks and footpaths
The land is accessed via a track along which a full right of way will be granted. The meadow comes with freehold title and there are no public rights of way across the land
Rights and covenants
As is the case for all our meadows, the purchaser will be asked to enter into a covenant which serves to protect the peace and quiet of the meadow.
Local area and history
Benenden is one of the Wealden 'dens' that commemorate the Saxon practice of appending forest clearings in the sprawling Andredsweald (the Weald) to their coastal manors. These clearings, or dens, were where the manor pigs rooted for the acorns and other 'pannage' on which they were fattened and from which timber and brushwood was collected.
Following the Norman Conquest, the manor of Benenden was given by William the Conqueror to his half-brother, the Bishop of Bayeux. The village was mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086 as one of only four villages in the Weald to have a Church. It is reffered to as Benendine, its etymology originating from the Old English 'Bynna' meaning 'wooded pasture'.
From around the 14th century, Benenden became a place of indsutrial significance, most notably for the Wealden Ironmasters who contributed to the prosperity of the village.
Wood maps
This wood is now sold, please do not visit the wood without the permission of the owner.
Find this wood
This wood is now sold, please do not visit the wood without the permission of the owner.
- OS Landranger: OS No. 188
- Grid ref: TQ 790 340
- Nearest post code: TN17 4ET
- GPS coordinates: 51.0776, 0.553325
Location map
Harley Meadow is accessed via a metalled road, and then track, which lead from from the B2086, Mounts Hill.
Click here for Bing Maps directions, enter your own postcode, (the location coordinates are already entered), and click on the "Directions" box. This will take you to the field gate at the entrance to the site. Please park about 50m further along by the large poplar trees, and thereafter follow the maps.
Coordinates for satnav are: 51° 04' 31.2" N, 0° 33' 33.7" E for the field gate.
Satnav: the postcode TN17 4ET is the nearest to the meadow, but please note that this will take you to Mounts Hill, and not the specific entrance.
In terms of finding the meadow, when heading along the Cranbrook Road and then Mounts Hill (both the B2086) from the Cranbrook / Swattenden direction towards Benenden, you need to look out for a turning on your left hand side signposted for Mounts Farm. There is also a small post-box in the hedge on the other side of the turning to the sign. This turning is the last turning to the left off the B2086 before you reach the signs for Benenden Village, where the speed limit is reduced to 40mph. Head all the way to the end of this metalled road, which is around 0.5km. At this point, the road turns into a wooded track, continue along here and pass through the field gate before parking by the large poplar trees at the end. Please then walk following the green highlighted route on the maps, which will take you across the large field directly in front of you, before turning 90 degrees to your right. Follow straight for around 100m and the entrance to Harley Meadow is on your left hand side.
How we support our buyers
Membership of the small woodland owners’ group

EITHER £300 for a woodland course of your choice

OR £300 contribution towards buying trees, tree shelters or stakes

One year's free membership of the royal forestry society

Please note this wood is owned by
Our regional managers are often out working in our woodlands, so if you email an offer and want to be sure it has been received, please phone our manager on their mobile phone. The first offer at the stated price which is accepted, whether by phone or email, has priority.
Please take care when viewing as the great outdoors can contain unexpected hazards and woodlands are no exception. You should exercise common sense and caution, such as wearing appropriate footwear and avoiding visiting during high winds.
These particulars are for guidance only and, though believed to be correct, do not form part of any contract. Woodland Investment Management Ltd hereby give notice under section 21 of the Estate Agents Act 1979 of their interest in the land being sold.
A beautiful and substantial private meadow including open land for planting, a woodland shaw and an enchanting pond of nearly 1/2 an acre.