
SOLD: Highland Wood £79,000 Freehold


This ancient woodland is likely to have originally been an oak woodland with hornbeam coppice, converted to mainly sweet chestnut coppice in the late 19th century (as there are not many very large coppice stools in evidence). Highland Wood provides a fantastic opportunity to own a chestnut coppiced woodland and would offer enjoyment for generations to come. Bluebells flourish in the spring, and there are other ancient woodland indicators including a woodbank inside the south boundary. Lords and Ladies and Dog’s Mercury are also found in the wood.

Highland Wood is situated about 5 miles north-east of Maidstone in Kent. It is within the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). It is part of a larger woodland known as Newlands Wood. The whole woodland is within a Kent Wildlife Trust Local Wildlife Site (download the citation and map from here).

It is worth noting that woodland owners may be able to get relief from Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax. More information on this can be found here. There may be adjacent woodland available here. If this is of interest, please contact the area managers for this region - [email protected]


Highland Wood is a mixed age sweet chestnut coppice which will reach full maturity between 2028 and 2034. It could be harvested in a series of small blocks knows as ‘coupes’. Hazel, willow, birch and ash are found in the wood as well as some splendid mature oak standards. These single large-stemmed oaks would benefit from ‘halo thinning’- removing newer trees from around the mature tree so it is not out-competed by younger neighbours.

It is worth noting that Woodlands.co.uk offer £300 towards a course for a new owner. This would provide the opportunity to learn the skills required to resume coppicing in the future. In the coming years this woodland has enormous potential to provide a steady and sustainable supply of excellent firewood.

Highland Wood has been designated as Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland (ASNW) by Natural England. This is woodland that has been under constant tree cover since at least 1600AD. It is valued as a rich reserve of biodiversity. There is a draft Management Plan for Newlands Wood (of which Highland Wood is a part) – details of this are available upon request. It is noted in management plan that stands are generally well stocked; the chestnut is of good quality, and they would lend themselves to management on a relatively short rotation, providing timber for either commercial or private use.


It is noted in the management plan it is certain that bat species will be present and will make use of the woodland and open areas within it for foraging. Species recorded in the vicinity include soprano pipistrelle, noctule, Bechstein’s and brown long-eared bats. It is also noted that older and storm damaged trees could provide suitable habitat for these species – and it is suggested deadwood is detained.

The Woodland Wildlife toolkit suggests the range of bird species including garden warbler, hawfinch, spotted flycatcher, willow warbler, lesser redpoll, lesser spotted woodpecker, tree pipit, marsh tit and woodcock might be present within the woodland, either breeding or over-wintering.

There is plenty of opportunity to enhance the habitat for wildlife here, from the simple provision of bird and bat boxes to the management of the tree cover and ground flora.


- An ancient semi-natural mixed woodland within the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

- Good quality chestnut coppice providing a lifetime supply of firewood.

- Some splendid mature oak standards.

- Rustic bench in a small private clearing – a perfect spot for family camping.

- Great access and a convenient shared timber stacking area to facilitate the management of the wood.

Access, tracks and footpaths

Access to Highland Wood is via double metal gates off Court Lane (an owner will be provided a key for this locked gate). A stoned track leads to the ride stop entrance to Highland Wood. Here owners are able to drive in and park a car within the wood itself. A convenient timber stacking area by the main gates will be shared with other woodland owners here.

There are no public footpaths within the wood. The North Downs Way is accessible approx. 1 mile from the wood.

Rights and covenants

The wood is sold with the sporting rights.

The owner of Highland Wood will be asked to enter a covenant to ensure the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of the wood.

As is the case for all our woodlands, the purchaser will be asked to enter into a covenant which serves to protect the peace and quiet of the woodland.


The wood lends itself to both amenity use as well as an opportunity to learn how to manage a small chestnut coppice wood. Camping or building wildlife hides and all sorts of other outdoor activities can be done here.

Local area and history

There are some features of potential local archaeological interest in the woodland including a woodbank inside the south boundary.

The wood is approx. 1 mile from the Kent Showground, home to the annual Kent County Show. Held in July, this well-established show includes animals, horses, vintage vehicles and retail stands for a celebration of the best in the county. Maidstone is approximately 5 miles south-west of the wood.

Wood maps

This wood is now sold, please do not visit the wood without the permission of the owner.

Find this wood

This wood is now sold, please do not visit the wood without the permission of the owner.


  • OS Landranger: OS No. 188
  • Grid ref: TQ 805 605
  • Nearest post code: ME14 3HF
  • GPS coordinates: 51.3153, 0.589436

Location map


Please note, for satellite navigation, use the post code ME14 3HF. This will take you to within approx. 0.5 miles of the main entrance gates to Newlands Wood (of which Highland Wood is a part) as shown by the red dot on the map. Coordinates to the main gates leading to Highland Wood (off Court Lane) are: N51.313599, E0.584996. To find the wood follow the instructions below.

  • Leave the M20 at Junction 7 head north on the A249, Detling Hill / Sittingbourne Road.
  • Pass under the pedestrian bridge (Jade’s Bridge) and after approx. 0.5 mile take the right turn onto Scragged Oak Road.
  • Continue for approx. 1 mile (past the Kent Showground) until you reach Court Lane on your left. Turn down this road and continue for approx.350 meters.
  • You will reach a set of double metal gates on the right-hand side with a ‘Woodlands for Sale’ sign on it.

Once you arrive at the gates:

  • Park in front of the metal gates (leaving space for people to get in and out the gates) and walk round the side of the gate and up the track.
  • Follow the main track approx. 220 meters. Take the first right turn. This stoned track winds between chestnut coppice for approx. 110 meters until you reach a ‘T-junction’.
  • Turn left and the ride stop entrance to Highland Wood is on the right-hand side of the main track with its boundaries marked in RED.
  • Sat Nav note: The post code ME14 3HF is for the point shown on the location map by the red dot.

How we support our buyers

Membership of the small woodland owners’ group

£300 for a woodland course of your choice

One year's free membership of the royal forestry society

Please note this wood is owned by woodlands.co.uk.

Our regional managers are often out working in our woodlands, so if you email an offer and want to be sure it has been received, please phone our manager on their mobile phone. The first offer at the stated price which is accepted, whether by phone or email, has priority.

Please take care when viewing as the great outdoors can contain unexpected hazards and woodlands are no exception. You should exercise common sense and caution, such as wearing appropriate footwear and avoiding visiting during high winds.

These particulars are for guidance only and, though believed to be correct, do not form part of any contract. Woodland Investment Management Ltd hereby give notice under section 21 of the Estate Agents Act 1979 of their interest in the land being sold.

A sweet chestnut coppice wood with oak standards. With great access this private woodland provides a plentiful supply of firewood.

Managed by Ruth and James Feltham

Telephone: 07812 165081

Email: [email protected]