
SOLD: Faddum Wood £59,000 Freehold


Faddum Wood is an exciting opportunity to acquire a woodland, right in the early stages of its development. Located on the fringe of the West Mains woodland, the undulating topography gives privacy and seclusion from the central access track.

The original, careful and considered planting of a varied but balanced mixture of well-chosen native tree species, over open farmland, has created a very pleasant feel, often missing in a juvenile wood. Understory species such as hawthorn and hazel will ensure that as the woodland develops, a well-balanced ecosystem will ensue. Although still in their youth, the trees have taken well, are growing well and are confidently expected to gain maturity.

As the initial planting was done on farm pasture, the variety of wood floor plants is not as high as an ancient woodland, but colonising flowers and plants are happily already moving in. Sheep sorrel and hairy bittercress are in evidence and a sympathetic hand could do much to supplement these early pioneers. Sensitive thinning and glade creation will allow more sunlight to reach the ground in sheltered areas, promoting further plant colonisers to take hold and increase diversity. The often derided rosebay willowherb has established a couple of small stands. This is a vital food plant for the stunning elephant hawk moth and its giant caterpillar, the plant's vibrant flowers are a welcome sight in the wood.

There is a growing interest in hut, bothy and temporary shelter building, especially in Scotland; for those interested in erecting a hut or shelter, here is some interesting and very helpful guidance from Reforesting Scotland’s Thousand Hut Campaign. Your Local Planning Authority should also be consulted.


A wide variety of native broadleaf species are well mixed and evenly distributed across the wood. Aspen, birch, alder, ash and a good scattering of oak are the main examples. Holly, hawthorn and hazel, although currently of similar stature to the rest of the trees, will soon be overtaken, so forming the all-important understorey. Self-seeded willow inhabits the marshy fringes and a welcome line of mature beech line the eastern boundary fence.


Initially fenced out to protect the new saplings, roe deer now thrive within the wood and are a regular sighting. Inspection of the boundary fence reveals the presence of built-in wildlife runs. Well trodden paths indicate that they are well used for access in and out of the wood by small mammals such as badger, fox and stoat.

A recent visit to the wood revealed the presence of bullfinch and great tit with the industrial hammering of woodpeckers indicating woodpeckers at work in the more mature trees on the boundary. A pair of herons were seen on the neighbouring pond and a couple of woodcock were put up from the undergrowth.


A small hardstanding is located behind the ridestop entrance with a rustic bench overlooking the landscape. A small watercourse with a wetland fringe is located before the northern boundary. This joins a free-flowing burn which is also fed from a drainage channel that runs atop a terrace in the western slope. A vital habitat for amphibians, these areas add interest and further variety to the overall woodland.

Access, tracks and footpaths

Access into the wood is off a minor road and then along a firm stone track, which is accessible by most cars leading all the way to the ridestop entrance.

Moving throughout the wood is relatively easy as the trees are still relatively small. Regular visits to the wood will develop habitual paths which will be hijacked by deer keeping them free from overgrowth.

Rights and covenants

The sporting rights are owned and included in the sale.

As is the case for all our woodlands, the purchaser will be asked to enter into a covenant which serves to protect the peace and quiet of the woodland.


Now a place where industry is long gone and nature is steadily restoring the natural balance, the wood presents many opportunities for its owner. A chance to engage in conservation and management in a developing wood need not detract from more leisurely outdoor activities. Nature watching, bushcraft, camping and conservation are all pursuits well suited to take place within the seclusion of this wood.

Local area and history

It can be difficult to imagine that this part West Lothian was once the focus of a large-scale oil shale extraction industry from which around 3 million tonnes of oil shale was extracted each year for more than half a century, from 1865.

One reminder of this industry remains, in the form of the piles of reddish spoil that remain dotted around the area. These “bings” are now regarded as a contributor to biodiversity because of the unique habitat they offer. The most spectacular of these "bings" can be seen from the wood and are known as the Five Sisters. Its five elements fan out like the extended fingers of a hand from the "palm" on their east side to the steeply sided "fingertips" on their west side. Today the Five Sisters is protected as an industrial heritage site and features as part of the logo of West Lothian Council.

A fathom, or faddum in colloquial Scots, in mining terms, refers to a measurement of mining ground six feet square by the depth of the mineral vein.

Wood maps

This wood is now sold, please do not visit the wood without the permission of the owner.

Find this wood

This wood is now sold, please do not visit the wood without the permission of the owner.


  • OS Landranger: OS No. 65
  • Grid ref: NT 002 607
  • Nearest post code: EH55 8LD
  • GPS coordinates: 55.8295, -3.59467

Location map


  • Faddum Wood Wood is about 18 miles west of Edinburgh and about 30 miles east of Glasgow

For Directions From Bing Maps CLICK HERE enter your own postcode (Faddum Wood entrance coordinates are already entered) and click on the blue "Go" box.

For Satnav; the postcode EH55 8NR is for the point shown by the red dot on the location map and coordinates are:N55:49:33 and W3:36:23

Or use our directions:

  • From West Calder take the A71 west, signposted Kilmarnock.
  • Bear left onto the A704 signposted Lanark(A706)
  • Follow a sharp right-hand bend and take the next left signposted Woolfords and Auchengray.
  • Pass Rusha farm on the right and cross a small stream.
  • Travel alongside a belt of Scots pine and beech.
  • Take the next left through the trees into West Mains Crofts.
  • Continue to the end of the private road past the houses, this eventually becomes a stoned track leading to a deer fence and gate.
  • Drive through the gate and park immediately on the left taking care not to block the track, please make sure to shut the gate behind you.
  • Continuing on foot follow the stone track to the right through the wood for about 600m until you come across a well-marked ridestop on the right signed Faddum Wood.

How we support our buyers

Membership of the small woodland owners’ group

£300 for a woodland course of your choice

One year's free membership of the royal forestry society

Please note this wood is owned by woodlands.co.uk.

Our regional managers are often out working in our woodlands, so if you email an offer and want to be sure it has been received, please phone our manager on their mobile phone. The first offer at the stated price which is accepted, whether by phone or email, has priority.

Please take care when viewing as the great outdoors can contain unexpected hazards and woodlands are no exception. You should exercise common sense and caution, such as wearing appropriate footwear and avoiding visiting during high winds.

These particulars are for guidance only and, though believed to be correct, do not form part of any contract. Woodland Investment Management Ltd hereby give notice under section 21 of the Estate Agents Act 1979 of their interest in the land being sold.

A young and thriving mixed woodland in a rural landscape, located within the central belt between Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Managed by David and Sarah Alty

Telephone: 07795 104 594

Email: [email protected]