
Community Woodlands Project request


South Lakeland, Cumbria


I am planning to plant a community woodland with the help of the local community linking Kendal, Staveley, Windermere and Ambleside. The aim is that we link the communities with woodland, hedgerows and areas of pasture woodland to create green corridors for wildlife and for people, probably following footpaths. In some places there will be trees where food can be foraged, such as fruit and nut trees along pathways. We also aim to create at least one sacred space where people can celebrate being in nature. i would be very greatful with any help in trying to find willing landowners who will aloows us to do some tree planting on their land, and eventaully find a landowners who can donate to the community a space for the community to use, as a community woodland. Do you think you can help? kind regards, Marina Ramsden p.s (I am doing this outside of work as a community venture however for background I am the Tree and Woodland Adviser for the Lake District National Park Authority)


[email protected]

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Please include details such as the potential community benefits of your project, your relevant experience, and how often you would be looking to use the woodland (whether one-off, seasonal, full-time, etc).

Please note that there will be a short delay while your submission is approved before it appears on the site.