Felling a hung up tree – safety first
By woodlandstv
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In part 3 David Rossney makes chainsaw cuts to a tree so it falls where he wants. He also deals with a common problem, a "hung up" tree, where the surrounding trees stop it falling as planned. http://woodlands.co.uk
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It is an alternative in the states
I thought he did a great job considering how the tree was already hung up before he started cuttting
Before saying how macho you are in the comments, remember that this guy is teaching a class, not trying to break any records.
Very good video, the only question I have is why do you start cutting so low? I cut higher than cut the stump, just preference I guess.
Who makes the tool you are using as a lever and a peavy?
I would give anything to hear this guy break into "I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay"
2:02 I've lost confidence in this fellow's advice
It's standard practice to cut low in forestry so you maintain as much of the most valuable part of the tree at the base as possible and have a nice long pole and the highest price. I don't fell trees for timber so cut at a more comfortable height but when I do my three-yearly refresher course the trainer generally comments that I'm cutting too high!
I would have dropped it to the left, away from the trees that it got hung up in or I would have dropped one of the offending trees and then dropped it through the hole created by the first tree I removed. You need an opening in the canopy to drop a tree, otherwise you have created a lot of unnecessary work and effort.
Seen many of those fail
Ken Murray
February 26, 2019