
Felling a hung up tree – safety first

By woodlandstv

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In part 3 David Rossney makes chainsaw cuts to a tree so it falls where he wants. He also deals with a common problem, a "hung up" tree, where the surrounding trees stop it falling as planned. http://woodlands.co.uk

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this is good ignore the haters.


November 7, 2013

If you have a day job, don't loose it…… It took you over 6 minutes (the time on your youtube video) to cut that little stick… Come-on over to Canada, and see some real trees, and I'll show you how to cut them down…. Jim…


November 13, 2013

That size of a tree wont need a notch or hinch or backcut or whatever,, just some tooth or fingernails 😀


November 23, 2013

My tree/saw is bigger than yours!  Haha, there is a lot of compensating going on here.


November 24, 2013

as much as people are hating on this for it being a small tree, i've seen trees that size barber chair and almost really mess people up, its good to know how to do it safely, although with a pie cut that small if it were a leaner it could still barber chair with no bore cut. 

Alec Zachreson

January 9, 2014

I cut a lot of firewood and face a lot of hung up trees that are already at a 45 degree angle hung up (Usually blow overs do this aka partially uprooted. For those I make a top and bottom cut. Then I take my truck with my biggest chain and yank perpendicular to twist it. Its been my safest and easiest way if you can get a truck to the location. The chain is also about fifty feet. Just always be safe and when in doubt call a professional.

HC Deer Hunter

January 24, 2014

Not sure you should be walking in front of it seeing as your video title says "safety first"!

Paul Clark

June 18, 2014

In my profile pic you can see tall pine approx. 60 feet by 2 foot dia. leaning on two  other tall pine trees towards the back roof of my house. question can I cut top side  approx. 1/3 up the tree  ?  

Luba Luba

July 12, 2014

Good info. Thanks.


September 1, 2014

I would rather be called a hater than stupid like you. This guy would go broke cutting wood for a living.

Austin Denotter

October 19, 2014