
Anglo Saxon house – a reconstruction

By woodlandstv

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http://www.woodlands.co.uk/ An Anglo Saxon house based on Anglo Saxon history. A reconstruction of an Anglo Saxon home built over a pit by the East Sussex Archaeology and Museums Partnership. A style of building which could be copied and used in woods and forests to form a shelter today. http://woodlands.co.uk

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@Steve Hope
Bitter's not the word.  Repulsed, revolted, disgusted perhaps…those are more fitting I think. 


June 10, 2014

Jesus. What a waste of hate.

Steve Hope

June 10, 2014

@Steve Hope  I think my hate is rather well utilized and isn't wasted at all. 


June 10, 2014

Ok, I'll leave you to your incredibly well organised little hatefest. Knock yourself out.

Steve Hope

June 10, 2014

@Steve Hope Why not join in?  There are so many things to criticize;  Hipster's poor excuse for grooming, their homogeneous mindset, their confused dress (simultaneously wearing shorts, canvas shoes without sock and v-neck t-shirts for hot weather, scarfs, knit caps and wool vests for cold weather), their stupid "ironic" tattoos, their laziness, their sense of entitlement, and most of all, their desperate pursuit of self-congratulatory non-conformity which turns out to be extremely conformist and exclusive by race, age, politics and, very often, location.  


June 10, 2014

Or you could save your commentary for people who actually do harm to other people or the world.  By being such a pointless, impotent, spiteful, bitch you're proving yourself far worse than any hipster. Why not post a photo of yourself incidentally?

Steve Hope

June 15, 2014

I'd prefer a sod roof, but this would be pretty cool too.


August 21, 2014

Nice house, but I would say it is not very windy in that area!

Carmel Pule'

October 20, 2014

@Ó Slatraigh I like your thinkin' friend

Daniel Thompson

February 20, 2015

@kev3d where did hipsters originated from?

Abdul AlpLimIndFox

June 16, 2015