Grey Squirrel Damage – bark and beech trees
By woodlandstv
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Down in his wood Julian is angry with the squirrels, and shows the sort of damage they can do.
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+Donnoha I electrified my bird feeders in the end to get shot of these pests. Works well. The birds come and go safely as before, but the squirrels get juiced by 250 Volts AC.
Can not for the animals that cause harm in nature, but we humans are causing the destruction of nature trees animals birds and humans also
The squirrel bunny is innocent of the charge
Gray squirrels would not have bred out of control if some twit hadn't killed all the Pine-martins in England for there fur-coats.
I trap and relocate the squirles at my property. I release them sometimes in nature parks. Wooded area. Mosttly I release them at golf courses.
I can imagine a grey squirrel has made a youtube video showing a wooden chair and bemoaning the terrible damage wreaked on the innocent woodland tree by some horrible creature.
Want to bet good money on that?
Right after their babies are born and before the leaves hide them.
Odd coincidence; I shot one of these as I was watching this video. I'm sitting on my porch and they like to raid native bird nests and kill the baby birds. That'll be 21 down so far this month! They're an invasive species, and it's best to eradicate them.
Yeah, it's bringing in the Apocalypse. Most of these Problems come from Man. Killing off the Woods/Jungle/Tree's. Position the Air, With Chemicals falling Upon the Land/Trees=Chemtrails.. yet non of this have an effect? You think will all this damage, Trees in North America would of been wiped out, by the Squirrel. Good is accompanied by other Vitues. Evil is accompanied by other evil fruites. As Suppoesed intelegent beings.. we're supposed to resovled issues with Reason, Intelec/Knowledge/Wisdom. As you may not think about it. They know, we are the higher being/food chain in their eyes. But believe it or not Squirrels also contribute back, to the ecosystem.: Squirrels bury their nuts in the ground, a behavior called chatching. They dig up eat most of their food they bury. But some of it is forgtten. The nuts and seeds that are not recovered, sprout in the spring and grow into plants and Trees. Thus with assisting Forest renewal. Not to mention… They fall pray to many Preditors/Animals. The ones that love to shoot them, are braking a Moral Law. In Wich is has consiquenses. Carma. Exept for food. But most folks live near by Groceries store's. Not counting Forest people. Killing should be a last resort. If needed. In most cases no. But people are lazy, Unmerciful, Cruel. Take easy road out. Without Understanding. Selfish. Ect… Then you Wonder why you're land is curesd. Nation's bring to themselves what they soweth. .But the government is corrupt, not Peoples Fualt. You are also reasposible, in Wich you do nothing, go along, complacent. Including not Cleaning, Renewing your Bodies/Heart's. Of the heart, the mouth speeks. Listen how someone speaks. Its in indication what's in their hearts./Reflecting their character. Pratice "Righteousness.". So your land can heal from contamination of death.
We had great trouble with grey squirrels.They'd come and raid the bird feeder and dovecote, dig up all my wife's plants, and damage the trees to boot. The only solution that worked was to electrify the bird feeder and dovecote, so birds are able to come and go safely, but any squirrel would get a mains voltage whack. Since when, we've not had a problem !
River Huntingdon
May 19, 2016