Industrial Hemp
By woodlandstv
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Nathaniel, Rhys and Yolanda share their passion for the nutritional and therapeutic benefits of growing, processing and using industrial hemp. Not to be confused with its `cousin` plant marijuana, licensed industrial hemp (in this case cannabis sativa) must be grown to contain a level of less than 0.2% THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) - the psychoactive constituent of cannabis. This versatile plant only takes 4 months to mature and the whole plant can be used - roots, stems, leaves, buds and seeds for food, clothing and supplements eg the fibres for fabric and the seeds for oils. The seeds are high in protein and contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids eg health-promoting anti-oxidants and omega 3. The hemp we see here is produced on the South Downs but there are various varieties to suit different climates and soil conditions. An Adliberate film for WoodlandsTV
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Here in the UK many years ago we used to have a thriving Hemp industry going right back to at least Roman times. Read some of Culpeper's writings from way back in the 17th Century. How can Politicians make something God made ilegal? or if you don't believe in God then some thing natural with many many health benefits. Some of the very best cargo nets in the world where once made in the British Isles.
So effectivly unlawful acts of parliament destroyed our fantastic hemp industry both medicinal and industrial here in the British Isles. I wander if big Pharma has anything to do with it?
Oddly enough years ago before the so called war on drugs, here in the British Isles we never had the drug problem we have today. Go Figure!
A century ago in my Great grandparents time we still had a thriving hemp industry. Please note there was no drug problems then.
Wwhen will politicians wake up and see that banning some thing only ruins the lives or the Law abiding people, and promotes criminal behaviour.
Education is Key. Not stupid acts of parliament that serve no good purpose. But does destroy the livley hoods of hard working people just trying to make a decent living..
I can think of far more harmful plants that are perfectly legal and no one bats an eye lid.
Can any one point out any good thing that has came about from destroying our hemp industry? Just one good thing? I have been asking this same question for over 20 years and still no viable answer.
1stBumbleBeeMaster it's about time the powers that be listened to the people…………sadly that's not gonna happen any time soon
Bet they sneak in a few high THC ones in that field… So much misinformation in this video. Marijuana isn't a distant cousin at all. It's the same plant and they are growing a particular variety. You can tell from the way the black woman is talking she consumes plenty of it. THC is just one psychoactive cannabinoid, and CBD, CBN etc which they mention are also psychoactive cannabinoids. Don't get me wrong all marijuana should be completely legal and there is nothing wrong with what they are doing but making out their product is massively different from "evil ganja" is completely disingenuous and unhelpful to moving the debate forward.
Fascinating, thanks Woodland TV keep up the good work.
There are so many great things that Hemp can be used for. This video still focuses on the esoteric ideas about about this plant. This video does not really help in the effort to get hemp back in the farm crop category. Why focus on the industrial uses like paper, hempcrete, fabric and biomass as fuels and oils etc. The medicinal properties are important but do not help the discussion because of the stigma associated with that argument.
I drove past a field of it years ago and almost crashed the car!!
What has this got to do with our woodlands?
Cannabis was grown in East anglia in the early medieval period.
are you in canada with this grow?
Steve's Outdoor World
May 9, 2017