
Temperate Rainforests of the UK

By woodlandstv

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To coincide with World Rainforest Day 2024, in this film by Tom Hartwell, April Windle of the British Lichen Society explores one of the UK's temperate rainforests on Dartmoor where the ancient woodland, high rainfall and clean air provide the perfect conditions for an incredible array and complexity of plant life, with plants growing on plants growing on plants. Meet some intricate and beautiful mosses, lichens and liverworts. This is the second of a series of 3 films over 3 months on lichen and our temperate rainforests. https://britishlichensociety.org.uk/.
Twitter: @aprilwindle @BLSLichens; Instagram: @aprilwindle.nature.

0:00 UK Rainforests
0:35 Why are they special?
0:58 What is a temperate rainforest?
1:26 Ferns
1:39 Diverse Life
3:06 Lichen
3:24 Trees
3:45 Rivers/Streams
4:02 Importance

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I love my local hazelwood rainforest patch and volunteer there regularly. The lichens are amazing. Visiting on your own, sitting and immersing yourself is the best!


June 22, 2024


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