
The Amazing World of Woodland Lichen

By woodlandstv

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In this film by Tom Hartwell, April Windle of the British Lichen Society introduces us to some amazing lichen in one of the UK's temperate rainforests. Meet the 'map lichen' that's even been to space, the stubble-like 'Desperate Dan', ancient woodland indicator 'barnacle lichen' and many more. This is the first of a series of 3 films over 3 months on lichen and our temperate rainforests. https://britishlichensociety.org.uk/.
Twitter: @aprilwindle @BLSLichens; Instagram: @aprilwindle.nature.

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Funny you'd talk about clean air, i work in a building with lichen on the sills and roofing, and we're on a busy road, there's a pirrelli tyre factory, an edible oils factory, cement works and an incinerator nearby. When it doesn't rain there's this fine patina of gritty dust on everything.


May 27, 2024


Managing Your Woodland for Wildlife

A new book on encouraging biodiversity in your woodland. Available free here »