
Facts about Badgers

By woodlandstv

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In this film by accomplished film maker Katie Vickers, we meet badger consultant Adrian Coward from the Somerset Badger Group. Adrian introduces us to the key signs to look for to determine whether there are badgers in our woodlands and provides some fascinating insight into the behaviours of these beautiful animals.

Adrian also talks about the low-cost badger vaccination programme the Somerset Badger Group offers to help farmers and landowners affected by Bovine TB, a devastating disease that results in the loss of cattle and income for farmers. Vaccination is a scientifically proven and cost-effective alternative to culling. Many congratulations to the Somerset Badger Group for recently vaccinating their 1000th badger since the project began in 2012!

For more information on the amazing work of the Somerset Badger Group please see their Facebook page and website https://www.somersetbadgers.org.uk/.

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Is there a connection between a natural absence of hedgehogs and a population of badgers in a local area .?


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