
Dinmont Wood £56,000 Freehold

  • Brampton, Carlisle, Cumbria
  • about 5.2 acres
  • Cumbria


Dinmont Wood is located in the heart of the more extensive Rowbank Woods. Bounded by a former railway cutting to the north and the access track to the south, the wood enjoys a central location but is surprisingly secluded within. Throughout the wood echoes of its plantation past can still be felt. Several majestic Noble Firs escaped the woodcutter's axe and are now of statuesque proportions. Elsewhere, the replanted broadleaves have escaped the confines of their protective tubes and joined with natural regeneration to produce a vibrant and healthy mixed woodland with abundant animal and bird inhabitation.


A scattering of large Noble Fir are complemented by mixed spruce and larch regeneration. Re-planted oak, cherry, rowan and sycamore combine with self-seeded hawthorn, birch and elm. The woodland floor is covered by a verdant carpet of bracken and fern with mossy stumps protruding through at regular intervals, providing feeding stools for squirrels. Foxglove, primrose and bluebell can also be found around and about as the season dictates.


The wood is a haven for bird life. Tree creepers are attracted to the insect life that shelters in the large trunks of the conifers. Small feeding flocks of birds flit through the understorey, buzzards regularly glide through the tree tops, shy jays feed in the wood and woodcock, blending into the bracken, whirr out from underfoot. The wood is also home to the iconic red squirrel and may be glimpsed by the lucky observer. These iconic native rodents are currently being actively protected by a local charity dedicated to their preservation in the local area.


There are strong indications that Dinmont has been woodland for many many years and indeed it is designated a Plantation on an Ancient Woodland Site (PAWS). The wood was cleared and replanted with conifers in the 1960s. A current management plan for the wood has been prepared with the assistance of Cumbria Woodlands. This has been made available for any owner of the woods to use if desired.

Access, tracks and footpaths

Access to Dinmont Wood is along firm shared tracks starting at Brampton Station. They then pass along part of the old Dandy Line before a spur forks left leading to the marked ridestop entrance. From here a firm level track leads to a turning circle and a small area within the wood useful for timber stacking if thinnings are to be taken for firewood.

Rights and covenants

The sporting rights are owned and included in the sale.

As is the case for all our woodlands, the purchaser will be asked to enter into a covenant which serves to protect the peace and quiet of the woodland.


The wide variety found within this woodland lends itself to a similar variety of potential activities. Wildlife watching coupled with conservation and gentle management, maybe the erection of bird and bat boxes or feeding stations for the squirrels. Overnight camping for a truly immersive wildlife experience, collection of firewood for a domestic fuel supply or simply a welcome hideaway from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Local area and history

Brampton Station is within easy walking distance making this the perfect woodland to access by train. The market town of Brampton is also close by and is well served by plenty of B+Bs and pubs. In the wider area is the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Geltsdale RSPB reserve, home to a large variety of both native and migrant species. The wood takes its name from one of the locomotives that ran on the old coal line running from Alston via Brampton Station into the centre of town. Lord Carlisle's railway as it was locally known, closed in 1923.

Wood maps

Wood map


The boundaries of the wood are indicated with turquoise painted-topped posts.

Find this wood


  • OS Landranger: OS No. 86
  • Grid ref: NY 543 602
  • Nearest post code: CA8 1HW
  • GPS coordinates: 54.9339, -2.71248

Location map


Dinmont Wood is just off the A69 south of Brampton, about 20 mins from Carlisle and an hour from Newcastle.

Satnav: the postcode CA8 1HW is for the point shown by the red dot on the location maps. Satnav coordinates are: N 54 : 55 : 58 W 2 : 42 : 11

what3words: ///flick.heartache.drip

Click Here for Directions From Bing Maps enter your own postcode, (Dinmont Wood coordinates are already entered) and click on the blue "Go" box. This will take you to the main gate close to Brampton Station.

Our Directions:

  • Locate Brampton
  • And take the A689 east from the junction with the A69 Carlisle to Newcastle road.
  • After a ¼ mile turn right signed for Brampton Station.
  • After another ¼ mile park at the end of the road close to the Station.
  • Pass through the wooden pedestrian gate which leads to the station platform and turn sharp right.
  • Walk parallel with the railway track for 200 metres and pass through the kissing gate.
  • Follow the footpath round to the right for 300m before taking the left fork opposite a small, fenced transformer.
  • Follow this track for about 100m until you reach Dinmont Wood ridestop on the right .

How we support our buyers

Membership of the small woodland owners’ group

£300 for a woodland course of your choice

One year's free membership of the royal forestry society

Our regional managers are often out working in our woodlands, so if you email an offer and want to be sure it has been received, please phone our manager on their mobile phone. The first offer at the stated price which is accepted, whether by phone or email, has priority.

Please take care when viewing as the great outdoors can contain unexpected hazards and woodlands are no exception. You should exercise common sense and caution, such as wearing appropriate footwear and avoiding visiting during high winds.

These particulars are for guidance only and, though believed to be correct, do not form part of any contract.

A secluded and very attractive mixed conifer and broadleaf wood, within walking distance from Brampton Station.

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Managed by David and Sarah Alty

Telephone: 07795 104 594

Email: [email protected]