Urban Foxes – updated.
by Lewis, 4 January, 2021, 7 comments
Urban foxes are sometimes in the news as they get noticed with their roaming through urban gardens, and occasionally entering houses. Indeed, attacks on people and pets have been reported. More often foxes come to attention when people are disturbed at the night by the strange, ‘metallic' screams of the foxes, especially during their mating system (December through to February). There are significant numbers of foxes in our cities. Estimates vary but it is thought that there may be 150,000 or more urban foxes or ‘townies’ and perhaps 400,000 foxes in total throughout the U.K. The average life of an urban fox has been estimated at about eighteen months to two years, partly because many are killed on the roads (often the younger foxes). In the wild, a fox can live for up to 8 years.
In Scotland, a fox’s territory can range over several miles but in towns their territories are much smaller. They survive, in part, because we are careless in terms of the disposal of our waste food; and also because some people put out food for foxes. In the country, their diet would include small mammals, bird eggs, insects, earthworms, wild fruits / berries and carrion. It has been suggested that the high populations of rats and mice in London are a 'big draw' for urban foxes, and they help in keeping numbers of rats down in the city. Read more...