‘Knock on’ effects of drought.
by The blog at woodlands.co.uk, 23 April, 2021, 0 comments
Climate change is affecting all parts of the world, from the melting of the ice caps in Antarctica, to droughts in Australia and California. On a more local level, we may see changes in our rainfall pattern. Certainly for many parts of the UK, it has been a very dry start to the Spring, coupled with some very cold nights.
Cold and dry weather affects plant growth in significant ways. Warmth is needed for a plant’s enzymes (catalysts) to work, speeding up reactions and allowing growth. Similarly, if water is in short supply, growth is stunted. Plants do not realise their full ‘potential’, they are smaller overall as is the number and size of flowers that they produce. Flowers attract visitors by colour, size and scent; or combinations thereof. Smaller and fewer flowers, in turn, have ‘knock-on effects’ for their pollinators - bees, bumble bees, hoverflies etc. Read more...