
Blog - December 2024

A tree at Christmas

A tree at Christmas

by The blog at woodlands.co.uk, 24 December, 2024, 0 comments

For many, the Christmas tree is an essential part of the celebrations.  Selecting your tree from a local garden centre or a woodland (that grows and sells trees by the thousand)  then decorating it and surrounding it with presents, is part and parcel of the festivities.  But when did these activities start ? Winter celebrations date back many centuries and many are associated with the winter solstice, which marks the shortest day and longest night (in northern latitudes).  It marked the time when the sun’s 'strength' would begin to return - as day length begins to increase. As part of such celebrations, people would bring greenery (usually evergreen material) indoors - symbolic of warmer times to come when crops could be grown.  Such celebrations were widespread across Northern Europe, and these traditions continued even as Christianity spread .   However, there were some who regarded the celebration of Christmas and its associated decorations as sacrilegious. In the UK, during the Commonwealth period under Oliver Cromwell, an outright ban on celebrating Christmas was issued in June 1647.  Parliament passed an ordinance banning Christmas, Easter and Whitsun festivities, services and celebrations. This included festivities at home, and there were fines for non-compliance.   In the United States, some States like Massachusetts, also fined people who celebrated Christmas.  However, many German people who migrated to “the New World” in the 18th century, carried their Christmas traditions with them, which included displaying and decorating Christmas trees. Christmas trees gradually gained in popularity.  In the UK, the adoption of the Christmas tree as part of the seasonal celebrations by Queen Victoria and her husband [Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha] was featured in the London Illustrated News.   This had an image of the Queen and her family decorating a Christmas tree.  The wealthier elements of Victorian society followed the example of the Royal Family. The Christmas tree is invariably an evergreen tree but it can take several forms.  A variety of conifers are sold as Christmas trees, for example, the Norway Spruce Picea abies Silver Fir Abies alba Nordmann  Fir Abies normanniana Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris and in North America, the Douglas Fir Pseudotuga menziesii  and Balsam Fir Abies balsamea. The Norway Spruce is one of the cheaper trees available.   It is a ‘typical’ conifer - being a woody, evergreen tree that produces it seeds in cones.  Like many conifers, the Spruce produces resin, which helps protect the tree from attack by fungi and bacteria. Many Christmas trees are now grown on “Christmas Tree Farms” as opposed to being felled from natural woodlands and forests. Many millions of trees brighten up our homes and offices across the country each Christmas.  Later, they can be recycled as many councils  / local authorities now collect Christmas trees in order to recycle them.  Many are turned into wood chippings / compost and used in local parks as mulch. Sadly, many millions of Christmas trees still end up in land fill each year, where the tree decomposes and produces methane gas, which is more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. Note : other evergreen plants used to decorate the home at this time of year, such Holly, Ivy and Mistletoe should be used with caution as they can contain toxins, which may harm pets etc.  For example, Mistletoe contains Phoratoxin and Viscotoxin, which are poisonous proteins when ingested.   
The Twelve Trees of Christmas: A Festive Forest Celebration

The Twelve Trees of Christmas: A Festive Forest Celebration

by Angus, 17 December, 2024, 0 comments

When we think of Christmas, images of twinkling lights, cozy fires, and beautifully decorated trees come to mind. But while the spruce, pine, and fir claim center stage, there’s a whole woodland world brimming with trees that have their own festive stories to tell. This Christmas, let’s take a stroll through the "Twelve Trees of Christmas" — a celebration of nature’s finest and most festive companions. 1. Norway Spruce (Picea abies) – The Classic Christmas Tree No Christmas tree list would be complete without the Norway spruce. This evergreen beauty has been the go-to Christmas tree for centuries, loved for its lush, aromatic foliage and triangular form. The Norway Spruce in Trafalgar Square has been given annually to the UK since 1947 because of the way the Brits helped Norway. London was also host to Norway’s government in exile. 2. Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) – The Hardy Hero With its sturdy branches and long-lasting needles, the Scots pine is the practical choice for Christmas tree enthusiasts. Its vibrant green needles stay fresh longer than most, ensuring it remains as cheerful on New Year's Day as it was at the beginning of December. 3. Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) – The Fragrant Favorite If scent were the measure of a Christmas tree, the Douglas fir would win every time. Its soft needles release a citrus-like fragrance that fills the home with festive cheer. Not only does it look the part, but it smells divine. 4. Holly (Ilex aquifolium) – The Symbol of Protection Often associated with Christmas wreaths and garlands, holly is steeped in folklore. Its glossy green leaves and bright red berries symbolise protection and rebirth. Legend has it that holly was hung above doorways to ward off evil spirits during the dark winter months. 5. Yew (Taxus baccata) – The Ancient Guardian Mysterious and timeless, the yew tree is often linked to churchyards and ancient sites. Its evergreen nature symbolizes immortality, and while its berries are toxic to humans, they feed wildlife through the harsh winter months. Its quiet presence reminds us of endurance and the promise of spring. 6. Oak (Quercus robur) – The Mighty Monarch The oak may not be a traditional Christmas tree, but its symbolism runs deep. Representing strength, wisdom, and endurance, oak wood is often used to create Christmas gifts like handmade toys and furniture. It's also a winter haven for woodland creatures. 7. Silver Birch (Betula pendula) – The Snowy Sentinel With its white, papery bark, the silver birch evokes the image of snow-dusted forests. Its ethereal appearance has inspired winter landscapes in art and folklore. Birch symbolises new beginnings, making it a fitting addition to a Christmas-themed woodland. 8. Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) – The Protector Tree Known as the "witch tree," the rowan was believed to protect against enchantments and evil spirits. With its striking red berries, it mirrors the colours of Christmas, and its branches were traditionally used in seasonal decorations for protection and luck. 9. Hazel (Corylus avellana) – The Giver of Gifts Hazel trees are associated with knowledge and hidden treasures. This link extends to the Christmas season, where hazelnuts (a popular festive snack) are cracked open as tasty treats. The tree also plays a role in the production of handcrafted wooden gifts. 10. Elm (Ulmus) – The Tree of Endurance Strong, graceful, and long-lived, the elm is a quiet symbol of perseverance. While it may not appear in Christmas carols, it stood in woodlands as a steadfast reminder of nature's resilience. Ironically this resilience was lost in most of the UK after the 1970s when Dutch Elm disease started to cull the population of elm trees. There are still pockets where Dutcnh Elm disease hasn’t spread such as the environs of Brighton. 11. Cedar (Cedrus) – The Tree of Light Cedarwood has a rich, spicy aroma that evokes the warmth of Christmas. Its association with strength and purification is rooted in ancient traditions, where cedar was used to build sacred spaces. Modern Christmas potpourris and festive scents often feature cedar’s warm, woody fragrance. 12. Cherry (Prunus avium) – The Tree of Hope The cherry tree, while more famous for its spring blossoms, has a place in the Christmas story too. Cherry wood is used to make handcrafted ornaments, while the fruit reminds us of sweet indulgences. The cherry tree’s promise of beauty after the harsh winter aligns perfectly with the themes of hope and renewal. A Woodland Celebration for Christmas As we deck our halls with boughs of holly and turn on Christmas tree lights on pines and firs, let’s remember that the magic of the season is rooted in nature. The Twelve Trees of Christmas remind us of the vital role woodlands play in our winter celebrations. From the traditional spruce and fir to the symbolic holly, oak, and rowan, each tree has its own story, bringing depth, warmth, and wonder to the festive season. This year, as you admire your Christmas tree, take a moment to think of its woodland companions. They may not all be sitting in your living room, but their presence is felt in every wreath, garland, and wooden gift that graces your home. The spirit of the forest is with us at Christmas — a reminder of nature’s gifts, resilience, and the promise of new growth.  


by Alison, 13 December, 2024, 0 comments

We spent a day with Chloe, a professional forager, along with her truffle hunting spaniel Samphire. All day we foraged on the banks of the River Severn in Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Wales. It is bountiful at any given time of the year and Chloe explained that you just have to know when, where and how to find the goodies. We found over thirty edible roots, flowers, vegetables, field mushrooms, and seeds amongst meadows, hedgerows, salt marshes and woodland, locating. Chloe’s enthusiasm shone through as she described how to identify and harvest these wild ingredients.  A foraged feast in the wild was a perfect end to the session, where we enjoyed both pre-prepared dishes and the freshly picked produce of the day. The menu included creamy oyster & field mushroom soup with miso and brandy, orange birch bolete mushroom puff pastries, mugwort focaccia, venison, and elfcup mushrooms stuffed with 3-cornered garlic. Chloe had made Jack-by-the-hedge hummus with primrose blooms, as well as fennel and chickpea salad, and much more.  We were treated to the folklore behind much of the foraged food and details of the medicinal and nutritional benefits from each find. Of particular interest were the use of medicinal mushrooms which are thought to strengthen the immune system, such as reishi, lion’s Mane, chaga, cordyceps, and turkey tail, where a preparation known as Krestin has been used as a supportive therapy against cancer in Japan for decades.  We learnt the origins of the word ‘wort’, which is probably derived from the Anglo Saxon word for wound or hurt, implying curative properties such as Navelwort, St John’s Wort and Mugwort, but occasionally implying a strong physiological effect of a negative nature such as poisonous Ragwort.  There is plenty of folklore around the yarrow plant, Achillea millefolium, the latter alluding to thousands of leaves due to its fluffy, feather like appearance. Achillea is related to the legend of Achilles who always carried yarrow on the battlefield to stem bleeding and it is indeed a wonderful styptic. To protect him before the Trojan war his family collected yarrow, considered to be a cure-all miracle herb and immersed it in water. The legend is that his entire body was bathed in the magic water but as he was held by one foot he has a residual weakness referred to as his “Achilles heel”. The muddy banks of the Seven Estuary harboured some hidden gems. Scurvy grass or spoonworm, a species of flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae was taken aboard ships in dried bundles to combat scurvy. Wild spinach, plantains, radishes and cabbages line the estuary coast. Wales also has a seaweed called Pepper Dulse which tastes like truffle with a hint of garlic. We also found woodruff, a beautiful woodland plant that grows in whorls, which when dried tastes like Amaretto. The enchanting elfcup is a dainty red mushroom adorning the forest floor and when picked it appears to emit a puff of ‘fairy dust’: nature is a treasure trove of beauty and magic.  The cautionary mantras, “Never munch on a hunch” and “If in doubt, leave it out”, are wise words indeed. The poisonous Ragwort with its yellow flattened flower heads appears similar to wild cabbage, and like the hemlock water dropwort it can be deadly - all parts oft the dropwort are highly toxic and ingestion can be fatal. It is a member of the carrot family with many edible lookalikes such as celery and parsley which can be confusing and dangerous for a novice. It grows in damp areas such as wet grassland and woodland, river and stream banks, canals and in the vicinity of ponds and lakes. Foraging is fun! But there are a few rules to observe. If you don’t already own the land you will need to have the landowner’s permission to forage, and you should not not forage on public land for commercial gain. It’s important to avoid areas which could have been sprayed with chemicals such as land bordering farmland. Sustainable foragers always harvest with care and observe how prolific the plant is to make sure they never take too much. If you want to see more of Chloe’s foraging course and guided walks, have a look at www.gourmetgatherings.co.uk 
Woodland birds, and a woodlands TV film.

Woodland birds, and a woodlands TV film.

by The blog at woodlands.co.uk, 9 December, 2024, 1 comments

Woodlands can provide food for many different species of birds.  The food may range from insects hiding in the ‘nooks and crannies’ of bark, to those buried in the leaf litter, or indeed feeding on the leaves,  Woodland can also be a rich sources of berries, and material for nest building. The tree canopies offer shelter and protection for nest building, egg laying and the rearing of young. Examples of birds that may be found in woodlands include the  Blackcap : Sylvia atricapilla Nightingale : Luscinia megarhynchos  Tawny owl : Strix aluco  Capercaillie : Tetrao urogallus Treecreeper : Certhia familiaris  Hawfinch : Coccothraustes coccothraustes  Lesser spotted woodpecker : Dendrocopos minor Redstart : Phoenicurus phoenicurus Pied flycatcher : Ficedula hypoleuca Some birds are with us all the year round but others are ‘visitors’ or birds of passage..  They are migratory, taking advantage of seasonal resources, especially food so that they can breed successfully.  In the UK, there is a phase of bird migration in the Spring, when visitors like Swifts and Cuckoos arrive. In the Autumn, a different set of birds may arrive such as waders and wildfowl - particularly in coastal regions / wetlands. Examples of migratory ‘woodland’ birds include the redstart and the pied flycatcher.  Both species make extra-ordinary journeys from central / tropical Africa, crossing deserts, mountains and seas. Migrating birds make use of a range of techniques to navigate their routes. They may use physical landmarks like rivers, coastlines or mountains, or orient using the sun or stars, or even the earth’s magnetic field.    Recent research has shown that there is a special protein in the retina of the eye that is sensitive to weak magnetic fields.  Sometimes, young birds learn by following their parents. Migration is not without risk : They can get lost - particularly young birds They may meet with ‘obstacles’, they may collide with power lines and wind turbines.  Skyscrapers with lots of glass in their walls represent a significant problem for many migrating birds.  Though it is possible to fit glass units, which contains a patterned, UV reflective coating, visible to birds. Extreme weather events, such as sandstorms and wildfires Birds may be the target of hunting or trapping during their travels. The loss of resting places, for example, UK wetlands are havens for some migrants.  If such places are disturbed while birds are roosting / feeding or damaged then birds have no opportunity to rest / refuel. Woodlands TV has produced a film on how to attract migratory birds to your woodland, it can be viewed below or at this You Tube link : https://youtu.be/v2pklxHbvBM [embed]https://youtu.be/v2pklxHbvBM?si=S-5y64Ls6_5_299r[/embed]  It focuses in particular on the redstart and the pied flycatcher.  Detailed information on the redstart can be found here, and details of the pied flycatcher here.  
Going, going, gone ?

Going, going, gone ?

by The blog at woodlands.co.uk, 8 December, 2024, 0 comments

The UN Biodiversity meeting COP16 has announced that 38% of the earth’s trees are facing extinction in ‘the wild’.  The biggest threats to trees are Clearing land / forests for farming Fires and climate change Logging tree for timber The spread of pests The spread of disease One example of a tree under threat is the monkey puzzle tree.  In Chile, climate change has resulted in the country’s Araucanía (Monkey Puzzle) region becoming hotter and drier, and as a result forest fires have become more frequent. It is thought that a million of these trees have been lost in a recent fire in the National Park, and many of these trees were mature specimens - hundreds of years old. Apart from their intrinsic beauty, trees, woodlands and forests are important.  They Absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping mitigate global warming Produce oxygen vital for us (for respiration) and so many living organisms on this planet Provides ‘homes’ / habitats for many hundreds of species of birds, mammals, insects, arachnids, lichens, mosses and other epiphytes. Help offset some of the effects of pollution. If the trees are lost, then many of the species that live on or in the trees will also be lost, so the world is at risk of a major biodiversity crisis.  The list of endangered species grows longer.   Populations of the hedgehog have shrunk across Europe, as farming expands, and cities & roadways grow so its natural habitat shrinks. In the UK, other species such as the Red Squirrel, the Water Vole, the Scottish wildcat (an elusive and rare animal), the hazel dormouse and the grey long eared bat maintain a precarious hold on life. A delegation of scientists from Kew Gardens, was present at COP 16 in Colombia, talking about ‘the dark spots of biodiversity knowledge’, that is, identifying those regions of the world where collecting efforts need to be prioritised in order to document the plant species currently unknown to science (before they are lost).