Hatherland Woods – Why buy a Woodland?
by Clarke Uren, 12 June, 2020, 7 comments
I have to confess woodlands have always intrigued me from being a child, be they small, intimate woodlands consisting of a few dozen tree’s or vast forests covering 1000’s of acres. There was always something, something special or magical even. Then you grow up of course and the world takes on a whole new perspective, then ‘magical’ often takes a back seat if it gets a seat at all.
I did dally with the idea a little when my daughter reached an age where rugged outdoor play was on the agenda but never to the point of pursuing it to make it real, too much else happening in life, just too busy. But then my Mother passed away, her last dying wish was that I ‘feed the wild birds and look after wild flowers and trees’. It’s at these points in life you are forced to stop and take stock, and here was a sign, surely? Read more...