A Glossary of Tree Terms by The Royal Forestry Society

A new and very useful publication is now available from the Royal Forestry Society. “A Glossary of Tree Terms” is an essential reference guide to the terminology of forestry and woodland management, from “acidification” to “yield class”.
Forestry and woodland management is as prone to jargon as any other speciality, and it can be off-putting for the non-professional who comes away reeling from a bombardment of special terms and acronyms. The Royal Forestry Society has put “tree-speak” into plain English, gathering together over 300 terms, both old and modern, in a new and expanded version of “Tree Terms”. The latest version covers a number of novel terms and concepts, especially on carbon certification and sustainability. It also includes a very useful list of common abbreviations and acronyms.
Copies are available from the Royal Forestry Society for £3.00 at http://www.rfs.org.uk/woodshed.asp?woodshedDetails=124
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