
Blog - Woodland Activities

Bumblebee breakdown?  a challenging year for pollinators.

Bumblebee breakdown? a challenging year for pollinators.

by The blog at woodlands.co.uk, 7 March, 2025, 0 comments

Last year was not a good year for bumblebees, according to the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.  The trust has been collecting data on bumblebee numbers since 2008, through the BeeWalk.  The BeeWalk project began as as a small scale initiative at Weybourne, Norfolk.  This involved counting the bumblebees seen on a monthly walk along a set route from March to October.  The BeeWalk was opened up first to members of the BCT and then to the wider public - a citizen science project.   Today, it is the Trust’s longest running (and largest) project.  For each site in the BeeWalk scheme, the bumblebee species seen are recorded, and whether the bee is a queen, worker or male.  Also recorded is information about the site (habitat type, land use, temperature and other relevant information).  The fact that the BeeWalk has been running for some years and is now widespread (across England, Wales and Scotland) means that it is possible to monitor how bumblebee populations are changing and correlate with any changes in climate and land use. In March last year, bumblebee numbers were relatively OK, having emerged from winter dormancy into warm and sunny conditions. Queen bumblebees need stable weather to establish their colonies.  In April the weather turned wet and cold but numbers remained stable.  But in June, the weather was particularly ‘unseasonable’ and worker bees of many  species were noticeably absent from many counts.  The effect was especially true of those species that normally reach peak numbers in early summer.  White tailed and red tailed bees were down by 60% and 74% respectively. In contrast, the garden bumblebee (Bombus hortorum) showed a smaller decline of just 12%. In July and August, the weather improved as did numbers but across the country overall bumblebee numbers (for all species) were down by 22%.  The red tailed bumblebee has declined year on year since 2015, but last year was the worst.  On a more positive note, some of the rarer species (the shrill carder & brown banded carder) have shown year on year increase. The decline highlights the sensitivity of pollinators to changing weather patterns, and emphasises the need for conservation efforts through: Protecting natural environments Restoring wild flower meadows The use of sustainable land management practices eg avoidance of insecticides (such as the neonicotinoids) Improving habitat connectivity to support bumblebee  movement and survival


by Alison, 13 December, 2024, 0 comments

We spent a day with Chloe, a professional forager, along with her truffle hunting spaniel Samphire. All day we foraged on the banks of the River Severn in Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Wales. It is bountiful at any given time of the year and Chloe explained that you just have to know when, where and how to find the goodies. We found over thirty edible roots, flowers, vegetables, field mushrooms, and seeds amongst meadows, hedgerows, salt marshes and woodland, locating. Chloe’s enthusiasm shone through as she described how to identify and harvest these wild ingredients.  A foraged feast in the wild was a perfect end to the session, where we enjoyed both pre-prepared dishes and the freshly picked produce of the day. The menu included creamy oyster & field mushroom soup with miso and brandy, orange birch bolete mushroom puff pastries, mugwort focaccia, venison, and elfcup mushrooms stuffed with 3-cornered garlic. Chloe had made Jack-by-the-hedge hummus with primrose blooms, as well as fennel and chickpea salad, and much more.  We were treated to the folklore behind much of the foraged food and details of the medicinal and nutritional benefits from each find. Of particular interest were the use of medicinal mushrooms which are thought to strengthen the immune system, such as reishi, lion’s Mane, chaga, cordyceps, and turkey tail, where a preparation known as Krestin has been used as a supportive therapy against cancer in Japan for decades.  We learnt the origins of the word ‘wort’, which is probably derived from the Anglo Saxon word for wound or hurt, implying curative properties such as Navelwort, St John’s Wort and Mugwort, but occasionally implying a strong physiological effect of a negative nature such as poisonous Ragwort.  There is plenty of folklore around the yarrow plant, Achillea millefolium, the latter alluding to thousands of leaves due to its fluffy, feather like appearance. Achillea is related to the legend of Achilles who always carried yarrow on the battlefield to stem bleeding and it is indeed a wonderful styptic. To protect him before the Trojan war his family collected yarrow, considered to be a cure-all miracle herb and immersed it in water. The legend is that his entire body was bathed in the magic water but as he was held by one foot he has a residual weakness referred to as his “Achilles heel”. The muddy banks of the Seven Estuary harboured some hidden gems. Scurvy grass or spoonworm, a species of flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae was taken aboard ships in dried bundles to combat scurvy. Wild spinach, plantains, radishes and cabbages line the estuary coast. Wales also has a seaweed called Pepper Dulse which tastes like truffle with a hint of garlic. We also found woodruff, a beautiful woodland plant that grows in whorls, which when dried tastes like Amaretto. The enchanting elfcup is a dainty red mushroom adorning the forest floor and when picked it appears to emit a puff of ‘fairy dust’: nature is a treasure trove of beauty and magic.  The cautionary mantras, “Never munch on a hunch” and “If in doubt, leave it out”, are wise words indeed. The poisonous Ragwort with its yellow flattened flower heads appears similar to wild cabbage, and like the hemlock water dropwort it can be deadly - all parts oft the dropwort are highly toxic and ingestion can be fatal. It is a member of the carrot family with many edible lookalikes such as celery and parsley which can be confusing and dangerous for a novice. It grows in damp areas such as wet grassland and woodland, river and stream banks, canals and in the vicinity of ponds and lakes. Foraging is fun! But there are a few rules to observe. If you don’t already own the land you will need to have the landowner’s permission to forage, and you should not not forage on public land for commercial gain. It’s important to avoid areas which could have been sprayed with chemicals such as land bordering farmland. Sustainable foragers always harvest with care and observe how prolific the plant is to make sure they never take too much. If you want to see more of Chloe’s foraging course and guided walks, have a look at www.gourmetgatherings.co.uk 
One of the elements - FIRE in Mistletoe Wood.

One of the elements – FIRE in Mistletoe Wood.

by Dawne, 11 October, 2024, 2 comments

Woodland living is elemental, and at this time of the year our primary element is fire. We gravitate to the fire for warmth and food. It punctuates our day, provides ritual and rhythm. We have had Mistletoe Wood for three years and our means of making fire has developed. My brother. who works the wood with me is, frankly, a pyromaniac. Embarrassingly I started with a lighter as ignition, some rather damp dead standing and some split knotty beech.   I soon learned that I am a smoke goddess and it wants to bathe me in acrid fumes.   Subsequently I have followed my brother's lead with ferro rod, properly gleaned fingers and thumbs. and some dry split ash.   Ash die back has given us a good supply. My intrepid brother has tried so many sorts of ignition and methods it’s bewildering but upside down fires, rudiger rolls and a portable firebox are part of our repertoire. Having managed to make fire, the crucial skill is putting it out.  Our first summer in the wood was 2022 with drought and wild fires.   We made beaters, dug a pit but the real issue was water.   We have no stream or pond but we do have the Bothy roof and with some Heath Robinson guttering we now have a water butt full of emergency extinguisher, you wouldn’t want to drink it though! In autumn nothing beats a slowly cooked camenbert and a baked apple filled with mincemeat and a splash of beechwood noyau.   Fire is truly our friend. [caption id="attachment_41635" align="aligncenter" width="675"] smoke goddess ?[/caption]
DIY charcoal making - black gold 

DIY charcoal making – black gold 

by Angus, 13 September, 2024, 3 comments

The advantage of charcoal is that it burns hotter than wood, is far lighter, and produces less smoke and steam - so it's useful for smelting iron or cooking barbecues. You can buy it ready-made, usually imported and often from unsustainable sources, or you can buy locally from people working their own woodlands. Another option is to make your own using a small charcoal maker which Paul Bradford demonstrated to me.  Paul and Lisa do regular charcoal making demonstrations in Kent with their Community Interest Company (CIC), Willow Bushcraft. They use a specially made cylindrical piece of kit to show school children how charcoal is made, and as they sit around the fire they can discuss the processes required as well as the fact that charcoal making goes back to the iron-age.  This charcoal-making device was bought online for about £40 and Paul reckons he can get 30-40 burns out of the charcoal maker before the metal gives way. The processes are straightforward: he loads it with hardwood pieces typically about 1-2 inches in size and closes the end. While I was watching he used oak but charcoal can also be made from hazel, ash, birch, beech or ash. He then puts it on a fire - crucially the wood inside is heated in the absence of oxygen. Initially the moisture comes out as steam and next the wood releases flammable gases which burn off in yellow or blue flames whilst inside the charcoal is being produced. Paul says that although the instructions say it will be done in 2 hours, he finds it takes more like 3-4 hours for a burn. In any event it shouldn't be opened until it has cooled down much later, perhaps the next morning. Paul told me about the many uses charcoal has - obviously it can be burn but it is also used for drawing, for making toothpaste and for some cosmetics. It is used in face-washes and exfoliating scrubs - the properties that really help are its ability to absorb toxins as well as its natural gritty texture. It is also used in some deodorants because of its ability to absorb moisture and neutralise odors. Historically charcoal was used to make gunpowder along with sulphur and potassium nitrate. It can also be a filter for purifying water and has medical applications such as treating poisoning and overdosing because it absorbs certain toxins. It is a special material and quite remarkable how it is naturally occuring and the method of processing is so simple. To make 1.3 kg of charcoal in Paul's machine you need to put in about 6.5 kg of wood, which illustrates how much water by weight is contained in wood, but it also indicates how effective it is to burn charcoal to get to high temperatures - you are not wasting energy evaporating the water and the texture of charcoal allows the oxygen to get in for a hotter burn.  
Mistletoe Wood

Mistletoe Wood

by Dawne, 9 August, 2024, 0 comments

High up in the Chilterns stands Mistletoe Wood, a semi natural ancient woodland.  It is comprised of beech and oak with a smattering of other native species. My brother and I have been custodians of these four acres for nearly three years.  Today, it has a large open glade we use for social forestry.  It has a hard fought for bothy, which put the planners in a spin (they were eventually won over by our woodland management plan), a fire pit and benching.  The latter planked from the first tree we had to take down and various tree huggers, which hold tarp or shade sails depending on the English weather. We use this area to entertain, educate and encourage and it has been home to : forestry first aid,  a murder mystery and  our annual Wood Moot when local woodlanders come round, share lunch and talk all things woody, whilst trying to avoid the harvest mites.  The other three and half acres are largely left alone, we beat the bounds at least twice a week looking out for danger and excitement, a 200-year-old beech came down in Storm Henk which was a surprise. We have removed 20 trees from a massive old beech, that was toppling near the dell [where the children play], to some medium-size ash which had die back. We process and extract them using only hand tools and our trusty trolley “Dolly”.  The woodland is blessed with the most wonderful fungi including delicious trompe de mort and we do entertain foragers and learn from them. This summer we have had the first honey from our beehives.   In Mistletoe, it is more about what we don’t do than what we do!  
Creating a 'Bender Chair'

Creating a ‘Bender Chair’

by Angus, 7 June, 2024, 1 comments

Lisa Bradford and her husband Paul run Willow Bushcraft a non-for-profit enterprise. They borrow a woodland in Kent owned by Woodlands.co.uk, and here Lisa writes about making a “Bender Chair”. Crafting a Masterpiece: This is how two students built a unique “Bender Chair” from hazel wood.    Creativity and craftsmanship came together in an extraordinary project undertaken by two dedicated students from a local school. These two students find it difficult in a mainstream school setting so attend a unit attached to the school. Over the course of a term, the two students transformed raw hazel rods into a stunning bender chair, showcasing both their hard work and newfound woodworking skills. The Inspiration for this journey began with a simple yet ambitious idea: to create a piece of furniture using traditional woodworking techniques. Inspired by Ben Law’s Woodland Craft book the natural beauty and flexibility of hazel wood, the students decided to build a bender chair. This type of chair, known for its distinctive curved lines and rustic charm, became the perfect canvas for their creative efforts.  The process involved coppicing hazel rods which had to be gathered from the woods. Both students learned the ancient technique of coppicing, a sustainable method of harvesting wood that encourages new growth. They explored March Wood, in Kent, to select and cut the perfect hazel rods, each one carefully chosen for its flexibility and strength.Next they assembled the chair by spending a couple of hours every week to their project, working with patience and precision. They crafted the frame first, measuring and cutting the hazel to size and ensuring the frame was sturdy and well-balanced. Week by week, the chair started to take shape. With their hazel rods in hand, the chair-makers began the meticulous process of shaping the chair. This involved bending the freshly cut rods into the desired forms for the seat, back, and armrests and tacking them into place. After weeks of diligent work, the students finally completed their bender chair. The result was nothing short of remarkable. The chair, with its gracefully curved lines and natural finish, was a testament to their hard work and creativity.  But the project provided the students with more than just a beautiful piece of furniture: it was a learning experience that taught them valuable skills in woodworking. More importantly, it gave them a profound sense of achievement and pride. They had started with a vision and, through perseverance and teamwork, brought that vision to life. Looking back on their journey, the students expressed immense satisfaction. They had not only learned about woodworking but also about the importance of patience, attention to detail, and sustainable practices. Their success with the bender chair has inspired them to take on more projects, and they hope to continue exploring the world of traditional craftsmanship. Forest Schools such as Willow Bushcraft are brilliant for hard-to-reach students who struggle in traditional classroom settings, and participating in forest school offers a transformative experience. Immersed in the natural environment, these students engage in hands-on, practical projects that ignite their curiosity and foster a sense of achievement. The forest school setting allows them to learn through doing, tapping into their innate creativity and problem-solving skills. This alternative educational approach not only enhances their self-esteem and confidence but also helps them develop essential life skills such as teamwork, perseverance, and adaptability. The “bender chair” demonstrates how outdoor learning can inspire a love for learning in even the most disengaged students.
Do you give nicknames to your forestry tools?

Do you give nicknames to your forestry tools?

by Angus, 30 May, 2024, 1 comments

Big Bertha, Darth Vader, and Inchy are just some of the names people use for their chainsaws, mauls, and winches. Others, of course, only ever use the correct name for their forestry equipment, but they are missing out on the advantages of nicknaming. Apart from entertainment and exercising a dry sense of humor, there are some good reasons for naming your forestry kit. By using personalized names, you can agree on the right tool for the job. In the case of one forester with two hydraulic jacks, he called the larger one Jack and the smaller one Jill. It’s useful to distinguish like this if you are asking someone to bring a particular tool from the car or van. Another benefit of naming is to remind yourself of the dangers of certain tools. Hammers are sometimes called finger finders, and those heavy post knockers are sometimes called “Clonkers” because of their tendency to clonk the user on the head. Some tool nicknames are just more intuitive than the more formal names, with some woodworkers calling a spirit level a “bubble stick.” One forester calls the wedge used in felling her “Cheesey.” Others are just short names and therefore easier to say, such as “Thor” rather than sledgehammer, smashing three syllables into one. Most foresters enjoy a bit of quirkiness, and names sometimes refer to where the tool was acquired (“my auction saw”) or something about its history. One bandsaw user had a blue safety switch on his saw, but when he replaced it, the same button was green, so he forever referred to it as the “green blue button.” Perhaps we name our forestry tools because they become our trusted friends, and we want to show affection and respect, or maybe it's for practical reasons. Do you name yours?
Golden Hill Wood

Golden Hill Wood

by Peter, 2 April, 2024, 1 comments

We had been looking for a wood preferably with a open area for sometime.   We had a look at a few that were not right for us, thinking it was never going to happen.   One day I opened an email and there it was - in September 2022.  Golden Hill Wood, I immediately called Stuart, the area manager, and we arranged to view it.   Well,  it was just perfect and literally five minutes away from our home, so the ball started to roll. It was time for some research on equipment, we got some good advice locally, so a chainsaw, brushcutter, and other equipment was purchased.  Having a walk around with Stuart, taking on some good advice, we then started to work on our new heaven. Golden Hill Wood has some old broadleaf trees but mainly spruce, fur and a few Douglas Firs amongst others.  The wood not been cared for in many years, so I set to taking lower branches off to head height, a few had to be removed including a couple of tactical removals with trees broken half way up, removing the many brambles that had stored from the ground to the canopy in a web like manner.  I found myself pulling brambles from one tree only to see I'm pulling a tree further away as there was so much of it.   Patience is a virtue and I got there.   It is not the end, but everything is now manageable so I have a few hours work and then a chill out. I have a couple of tarpaulin areas which the granddaughters just love and embrace and lend their little hands.   When Roe or Red Deer are about, we have two sets of Buzzards along with Red Kite and. of course, Bunnies.  We spent New Years Eve 2022-23 there and I've made a wild camp under a basher. I'd recommend anyone taking a wood on.  It is so peaceful and calming.

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