
Blog - Woodland Web Updates

Woodlands web updates 33

Woodlands web updates 33

by The blog at woodlands.co.uk, 1 February, 2025, 0 comments

Insect pollinators are currently in decline.  This is, in part, due to the loss of habitats and foraging resources for pollen and nectar.  Pesticides, like the neonicotinoids, don’t help. Lawns and pollinators. “No mow May” has been promoted by Plantlife to  provide a feast for pollinators,  tackle pollution,  reduce urban heat extremes, and  lock away atmospheric carbon Lawns in gardens, parks, recreation grounds etc. represent a significant proportion of green space in cities, towns and villages. If these spaces and suburban lawns are managed with pollinators in mind, then they could become an important source of foraging resources.  Now, there is evidence accumulating that this is the case.  A  recent study used the lawns at Ministry of Justice prison and court sites.   Each site contained four patches,  A patch mown as normal every two weeks - the control  A patch mown every 4 weeks A patch mown every 6 weeks A patch mown every 12 weeks Weekly surveys of pollinators and flowering plants were made throughout June to late August. Butterflies, bees, bumblebees, hoverflies and beetles were recorded as pollinators.   The patches that were mowed less frequently (6 and 12 weeks) had many more pollinators [in fact 170% higher than the 2 week patch], and more flowers.  The most common plants recorded included selfheal, daisy, dandelion, creeping buttercup, and white clover.  Apart from the increase in biodiversity, the patches were ‘visually pleasant’, contributing to the wellbeing of staff / prisoners and saved on lawnmower fuel (cost). Details of the study : https://conservationevidencejournal.com/reference/pdf/12801 Farms and Pollinators. Farms and their crops, such as clover and oil seed rape, can offer a rich supply of pollen and nectar to pollinators.    The ‘richness’ of this supply can draw pollinators away from more natural areas.  However, the pollinators can go from ‘feast to famine’, when the crop has finished flowering.   A Swedish study has followed the behaviour of farmland pollinators after clover flowering.  They found that if natural areas were available after the flowering of the clover, then pollinators [like different bumble bee species] became more selective in their foraging.  This reduces the intensity of competition between the various pollinator species.  Areas of natural vegetation on farmland are therefore important in helping pollinators adapt after crops (such as clover) have finished flowering. [caption id="attachment_33904" align="aligncenter" width="650"] Oilseed rape[/caption] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167880924005735?via=ihub Gardens and pollinators. A study In the Boston area of the US has revealed that small gardens with a diverse range of plants are important to pollinators.  The researchers first used Google Street View to identify and categorise some 86,000 front gardens (or yards, in their terminology) across the area - ranging from lawns to diverse flower gardens. They then visited 500+ of these gardens when the plants were flowering [in 2021], identifying and documenting the plants in each.   The found that : Whilst the higher income areas tended to have more cultivated flower gardens, these gardens were home fewer wild flower (weed) species. Small gardens often had the richest diversity of plants in flower as compared to those with lawns. The authors of the study conclude “Dense urban areas are a promising target for pollinator conservation.” Detail of this study can be found here : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0169204624002706?via=ihub  
Woodlands web updates 32

Woodlands web updates 32

by The blog at woodlands.co.uk, 20 January, 2025, 0 comments

Loss of nitrogen fixing species. Some plants can ‘fix’ atmospheric nitrogen.  That is they can take nitrogen from the air and use it to make complex nitrogen-containing organic compounds (such as amino acids / proteins).  This fixation of nitrogen is due to the presence of symbiotic bacteria in root nodules.  Gardeners often make use of ‘nitrogen fixers’, such clover, peas and beans to augment soil fertility. A recent study has investigated the changes in the makeup of the flora in European forests (over several decades) from 1940 to 2019.  What they found was that the proportion of nitrogen fixing plants has declined.  The changes did not seem correspond to any changes in temperature  or aridity / rainfall during the time period, but to nitrogen accumulation in the environment.  When nitrogen levels are low, nitrogen fixing plants have an advantage, but when nitrogen levels increase their advantage over other plants is lost. Nitrogen compounds in the soil can result from the intensive use of fertilisers on nearby agricultural land or atmospheric deposition of various pollutants.  Nitrogen levels have increased tenfold since the start date of the surveys.  This loss of nitrogen fixing plants might, in the long term, result in a loss of ecosystem resilience. For further info - visit https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/sciadv.adp7953 The great green wall project. There are a number of large scale tree planting projects, many associated with offsetting global warming.  The great green wall aims to grow a belt of trees some 8000 km in length, and 15 km wide in the Sahara.  The planned route supported trees in the past.  The aim is to ‘stabilise’ the desert, limiting further expansion into the Sahel, as the tree roots help to stabilise the soil, limiting erosion.  Desertification is associated with drought and overgrazing.  The idea of such a barrier was taken up and approved by countries south of the Sahara in 2002, during a special summit.  The trees selected are drought resistant species, that also serve to fertilise the soil and contribute fruits, fodder and fuel wood for local communities. Though millions of trees have been planted, the project needs more funding if it is to succeed. Further details about the great green wall can be found here and here. Dealing with drought ? [caption id="attachment_35526" align="alignleft" width="300"] drought[/caption] Drought is a problem not only for woodlands but also for crops, resulting in substantial food loss across the globe.  The damage to crops is likely to increase as fresh water availability declines.  During drought, the availability of water in the topsoil decreases, leaving water only accessible in the  deeper subsoil.  Plants seek water through their roots and whilst roots generally grow downwards, they also tend to spread outwards to form a network. So, if the roots are mainly located in the upper layer of the soil, they may not be able to absorb water as the soil dries.   Now, research at the University of Nottingham has found that the plant growth regulator abscisic acid plays a critical role in a plant’s response to drought.  The abscisic acid  promotes the production of another growth regulator - auxin.  The two enhance the plant’s geotropic response* - so that the roots permeate deeper into the soil in search of water. Full details in the research paper here : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0960982224016439?dgcid=coauthor * Geotropism is a plant’s response to gravity.
Woodlands web notes : 31

Woodlands web notes : 31

by The blog at woodlands.co.uk, 27 October, 2024, 0 comments

Gardens help out The blog has reported on several occasions on the problems bees, bumblebees and other insect pollinators face.  Now research by the Univeristy of Bristol has demonstrated the importance of gardens and urban areas to many farmland pollinators.  At certain times of years, such as early Spring and late Summer,, rural pollinators experience limited supply of nectar.   Somewhat surprisingly, a large percentage of UK farmland is within a mile of a garden, and at times of scarcity gardens can make good the lack of nectar [and pollen].  Indeed, the Bristol research (by Dr T Timberlake and colleagues) indicates that gardens can provide between 50 and 95% of the nectar during these 'lean times'.  Whilst gardens provide a relatively small amount of nectar in rural areas, nevertheless the continuity of the supply makes its contribution  particularly valuable. Full details of this investigation are reported here : https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2024.1523 Sunflowers to help bumblebees ? One of the issues that bumblebees face is infection by the parasite Crithidia bombi.  It lives in the gut of the bee. The parasite passes from host to host as cysts in faeces.  The parasites develop in the digestive tract, interacting with the intestinal lining using a flagellum.  Infection with this parasite seems to affect the bee's ability to learn and they struggle to recognise nectar-rich flowers, and consequently are at risk of starvation. Recent research has shown that if bumblebees are offered sunflower pollen to feed upon, then the Crithidia infection is significantly reduced. As bumblebees are often used in commercial glassshouses, it could be that if sunflower pollen was offered within this 'closed' environment then the incidence of Crithidia infection could be controlled.  The sunflower pollen does not have to be 'fresh', indeed stored, frozen pollen is effective.  A 1:1 mixture of sunflower and wildflower pollen also gives the desired 'medicinal effect', and ensures the bees are receiving enough protein and sodium from this supplement. Full details of this investigation are reported here : https://academic.oup.com/jee/article/116/5/1939/7234927        
Woodlands web updates : 30

Woodlands web updates : 30

by The blog at woodlands.co.uk, 6 March, 2024, 0 comments

Bees and light Honey bees need to sleep.  Unlike us, they do not sleep for long periods but they take ‘naps’ during the day and the night - within the hive where it is dark.   If the hive becomes over heated, then bees will move outside the hive and beat their wings to fan cooler air into the hive.  If the bees are exposed to artificial light during the night then there is evidence that their ability to perform the ‘waggle dance’ is impaired.   The dance is important as it tells other bees where to source pollen and nectar.   Cooling of the hive may become increasingly necessary with climate warming (and heat spells), which in turn might expose bees to artificial light at night.  Hives might need to placed away from road sides (hence car lights) and street lights.  An ancient pine. The Wollemi pine is rightly described as a living fossil.  It is a plant that has remained unchanged for millions of years.    An almost identical fossil form dates to the Cretaceous period , some 145 million to 66 million years ago.  Whilst the trees were abundant some 8 to 6 million years ago, now only 60 trees exist in the wild (in a canyon northwest of Sydney) and they are at risk of wild fires. The population of these pines has dwindled as the climate in Australia became drier and warmer.   The genetic make-up of the species has recently been analysed.  It turns out that the tree's 26 chromosomes contain some 12.2 billion base pairs; by comparison, the human genome has 3.4 billion base pairs.  The research also indicated there was very limited genetic diversity within the Wollemi pine population.  The existing trees appear to  have abandoned sexual reproduction, and now reproduce mainly by cloning, suckers emerge from the base of a tree and then grow on to become ‘new’ trees. Whether this remnant population of the Wollemi pine will survive ongoing climate change (and increasing risk of fire) remains to be seen.  The wollemi pine also appears to be susceptible to disease, in particular to Phytophthora cinnamomi, a pathogenic water mold that causes dieback.  
woodlands web updates : 29

woodlands web updates : 29

by The blog at woodlands.co.uk, 10 December, 2023, 0 comments

Flowers of the woodland floor. Some woodland flowers enjoy the dappled light of the woodland floor beneath the canopy.  They grow in relatively shady, cool and damp conditions in the humus-rich soils.  Polish scientists at the Nicolaus Copernicus University have been studying four species that often grow together in European woodlands - namely Wood anemone Yellow anemone Lily of the valley Common may lily These are perennial plants that ‘come to life’ in Spring, producing a carpet  of flowers across the woodland floor.  However, as much as they share a liking for the shady, cool and moist conditions found there, they differ in their sensitivity / tolerance to rainfall / moisture levels in the summer months: which may change their distribution as summers become warmer and longer.  The team modelled various warming scenarios which suggested that the ranges of these species may change / contract with hotter and drier summers.  The common may lily is one that may be particularly affected and no longer share the same range or woodlands as the others studied.  If climate change takes a hold, it may be that ‘assisted migration’ may be needed to help such plants to find suitable ‘climatic refugia’. more on plant migration ...... With climate change, both plants and animals need to adapt.  With increasing warmth, many species may ‘need’ to move towards cooler latitudes.  Whilst many animals are mobile, they may be able [over time] to access new suitable areas, plants on the other hand are dependent on the dispersal of their fruits / seeds.  Fruit and seed dispersal may involve various animals, including birds.  If the birds are resident or non-migrating species, then it is probable that they will only disperse seeds over relatively short distances.   Migratory birds however travel great distances but often in the wrong direction.  Many birds that migrate at the end of the summer, travel south to warmer climes.  Work at the University of Exeter has studied a number of woodlands across Europe and bird species that feed on the fruits of 81 plants species (and help disperse their seeds).  They found that only about a third of the plants had fruits (seeds) that might be dispersed northwards by birds.  To benefit from this northward dispersal, the plants needed to either have a very long fruiting period (eg.holly, juniper) or a very late fruiting period (eg. Ivy). Full details of this study here Food production and food waste. As Sir David Attenborough has pointed out in a recent episode of Planet Earth III, producing food to feed the world comes at significant environmental cost.  Natural ecosystems are often burned (forests) or drained (peatlands) and then turned over to agriculture to produce crops or farm animals. The forests of the Amazon have been significantly affected by burning and logging,  with the concomitant loss of biodiversity.  But they are not alone. In Mexico, forests are being lost as the land is being turned over to avocado production.  Mexico’s neighbour, the USA has a voracious appetite for this fruit.  The forests are being turned into ‘avocado orchards’.  Avocado trees are ‘thirsty’, they need a generous supply of water.  They consume much more water than the natural species [eg. oyamel), so that natural aquifers are being depleted.  This affects local farmers growing crops such as tomatoes and corn. One particularly sad aspect of food production is that much of the food is wasted. Some is lost between harvest and reaching the retail sector, and then more is ‘lost’ in the home. Food may not be used, or not used in time so it starts to rot, become rancid etc.  A lot of food goes to land fill, where it may generate methane - a potent greenhouse gas. Sprouting sequoias. In recent times, there have been many images of the fires ravaging the forests of the west coast of the States.  Many thousands of hectares and millions of trees have been lost, including many of the giant redwoods.  However, recent studies have found that some of the burned Sequoias are producing new growth.  They are sprouting from roots and trunks, from dormant buds that have lain hidden under the thick bark for decades, this despite the loss of the canopies of the trees.  To fuel this growth, the trees are using reserve materials that have been stored for 50+ years.

woodlands web updates : 28

by The blog at woodlands.co.uk, 30 November, 2023, 0 comments

On the Red List! The capercaillie is threatened.  Its numbers in Scotland have roughly halved (between 2010 and 2020).  It was once widespread, but now it is found in the pine forests of the Highlands - notably the Cairngorms National Park.  It is a red listed species. The decline in numbers is associated with poor breeding success, poor weather in early summer when the chicks are developing, another problem is predation by species such as the pine marten, foxes and crows.  The Game and Wildlife Conservation Centre (GWCT) has identified another issue that these birds face - namely collisions with deer fences.     These fences are created to keep deer out of particular areas.  However, when the capercaillie (and black grouse) impact on these fences, they are injured or killed.  Marking these fences, reduces the number of collisions but does not stop them.  Unmarked fences are still killing adult birds.  Marking of these fences or their removal would help with the survival of the capercaillie, though removal would  mean trees and shrubs would be unprotected from deer. Mosquitoes! There are some 36 different species of mosquitoes to be found in the UK, which  are generally harmless (though they bite).  But that may change.  With longer and warmer summers, the UK may become a venue for other species such as the tiger mosquito.   This insect has been found in ‘traps’ (monitored by the UK Health Security Agency) at ports and rail terminals.  This insect is known to transmit various diseases, such as dengue fever.  The mosquito was found in Italy in 1990 and it is spreading on the continent. A species of Culex has also been found in some areas of the Thames estuary - which can spread the West Nile Virus. This virus can result in flu-like symptoms.  Outbreaks have been been mainly in the warmer areas of the Mediterranean, but with climate change and the potential for very hot summers here - vigilance will be needed. Floral defences. Many flowers release a distinctive scent.  The scent serves to attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, or  it may ward off pests that would feed upon the plant.. Many of the chemicals that contribute to scents are terpenes.  Recent research has investigated how these chemicals can affect the growth and development of butterflies - using painted lady butterflies.  These butterflies feed on a wide range of plants and hence are exposed to a variety of scents / terpenes. For these experiments, the researcher (at the University of Centra Florida) used four common floral terpenes  Limonene :  which has a fresh, citrus like smell Linalool. : has a floral scent, reminiscent of lavender Cineole : has a camphor-like smell, slightly medicinal contributes to eucalyptus oil. β caryophyllene : this has a spicy / woody fragrance. Different amounts of these terpenes were fed to caterpillars of the painted lady butterfly, and the subsequent development of the caterpillars was monitored and the size of the adults recorded.  The experiment was also conducted at different temperatures.  Temperature affects scent release by flowers. Higher levels of terpenes has significant affects on the survival of the caterpillars, especially when combined with the higher temperatures.  The caterpillars took longer to enter into pupation when given high levels of terpenes, though the size of the adults that emerged from pupation was unaffected.  If longer and warmer summers become more common, the combined effects of terpenes and heat could become important determinants of development. `
Woodlands web updates : 27

Woodlands web updates : 27

by The blog at woodlands.co.uk, 16 November, 2023, 0 comments

Tree survival and drought. Researchers at the University of California have been working on a method that helps predict whether forests / woodlands can survive periods of drought.  As climate change is altering patterns of snow and rainfall, so periods of drought are likely to become more common. Forests are important in terms of carbon sequestration, that is, they take up carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into sugars, starches etc that are stored in the leaves, branches, stems and roots.  However, in order to assimilate and convert carbon dioxide (in photosynthesis), trees (indeed all plants) need a supply of water.  When water is limited, trees need to make use of their reserve materials.  Just as we make use of body reserves of fat and glycogen when food / diet in inadequate. However, reserves can only sustain a tree for a finite period of time.  If drought persists, the tree reaches a ’tipping point’ and it will die.  The researchers studied a forest in the Sierra Nevada that experienced a period of drought between 2012 and 2015.   During this period, millions of trees died.  The team recorded rainfall, soil moisture and temperature in the forest AND the amount of carbon dioxide that the trees absorbed, and their reserve materials.  They found that the trees were able to maintain function / health after the onset of the drought but with the passing of time, the trees exhausted their reserves and were unable to use / convert carbon dioxide into food.  They had reached the tipping point and died.   The methodology of this study was called CARDAMON (carbon data assimilation with a model of carbon assimilation); it is hoped that it can be used to evolve strategies to enhance forest and woodland resilience in the face of climate change. Pollinators. [caption id="attachment_35902" align="aligncenter" width="675"] hoverfly[/caption] University researchers from the UK and Finland have been trying to determine the most effective pollinators of crop plants, like strawberries (and other fruits).  Plentiful and effective pollinators are needed to ensure a good harvest of the fruits. The researchers studied the pollinators at three strawberry farms through the (long) growing season for the fruit.  They adopted two approaches : They caught the insects that visited the strawberry flowers and analysed the pollen they carried in detail (pollen load and type). They also counted the number of flower visits by the different insects, (a quick way to identify key local pollinators). Many insects were identified, including :-  European drone fly :           Eristalis arbustorum Honeybee :                               Apis mellifera Levels drone fly :                   Eristalis abusivus Buff tailed bumblebee :     Bombus terrestris White tailed bumblebee :  Bombus lucorum Common drone fly :             Eristalis tenax Red tailed bumblebee :      Bombus lapidarius Early bumblebee :                Bombus pratorum Bent-shinned Morellia :   Morellia aenescens Hoverflies are true flies, that is, they belong to the order Diptera or true flies, as they have a pair of wings and a pair of halteres (balancing  / orienteering organs used when in flight). Several of the flies in the genus Eristalsis are known as Drone Flies (due to their resemblance to honey bee drones).  The larvae of Eristalis  species are commonly found in putrid / stagnant water and sometimes referred to as “rat-tailed maggots”. It was noted that pollinators also made use of the wild plants to supplement their diets, as strawberries alone cannot meet the nutritional needs of pollinators.  ‘Elsanta’ strawberries have a relatively low sucrose and protein content in both their nectar and pollen. The precise  order of importance of pollinators varied between farms.  Bee (Apis and Bombus) species  and hoverfly (Eristalis) emerged as key pollinators. The European drone fly was the most important pollinator at two of the three farms studied, evidence that hoverflies can be effective pollinators.  One farm had commercial hives of the honey bee but they were less significant than the activities of of the hoverflies and bumblebees. The abundance of a particular insect, coupled with its active period were /  are important determinants of pollinator importance.  Sawdust and plastics - a possible use?. Plastics represent a relatively new, but persistent and major form of pollution (on land, in the sea, indeed everywhere).  Whilst many plastic objects are instantly visible in the form of discarded bottles, fast food containers, many plastic pollutants are in the form of very small particles of plastics  - nano and microplastics.  The concern is that we and other organisms are taking these microscopic particles into our bodies from our food / drinking water. However, it is possible that plant materials may offer some ‘solutions’.  Water that contains micro and nano plastics can be filtered through sawdust that has been treated with tannic acid.   Tannic acid is large molecule, its molecular formula is C72H52O46 .  Tannic Acid is found in certain plant galls (swelling of trees caused by parasitic wasps) and in the twigs of certain trees, such as Chestnut and Oak.  The wood sawdust contains fibres of cellulose, combined with hemicelluloses and lignin.  Water can flow through this material by capillary action.  This plant-based filtration (known as bioCap) of plastic-laden water is capable of dealing with a wide range of nanoplastics (PVC, PET, polyethylene etc), and tests with mice suggest that the filtered water may be sufficiently free of plastic to pose little risk.  
woodlands web updates : 26

woodlands web updates : 26

by The blog at woodlands.co.uk, 6 June, 2023, 0 comments

Trees for a longer life? Researchers from US Forest Service has completed a survey of tree planting in Portland, Oregon and concluded that the more tres are planted in an area, the longer people live. The Portland “Friends of Trees” have planted some 50,000 oaks, dogwoods and other trees around the city over the last thirty years.  After adjusting for factors such as race, income, age and education, the team found that where more trees had been been planted, fewer people died.    This was true for all areas - wealthy or less so. Furthermore, as the trees aged, the mortality rates of the people nearby went down.  Trees generally improve air quality and moderate extreme high temperatures.  A recent report in the medical journal The Lancet suggested that many of the premature deaths from the 2015 heat wave in Europe could have been avoided with 30 percent more tree cover. Birds in decline. UK bird populations are in decline.  Much of the decline occurred in the 1970’s and 80’s, and was particularly noticeable in populations of farmland and woodland birds.  However, the losses have continued in recent times, with a 5% decline between 2015 and 2020. Again, woodland birds have fared poorly with a 12% decline in this period.   The steepest decline in population numbers are seen in species such the Tree Sparrow, Willow Tit, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and Nightingale.  These have all declined by 90% or more since the late 1960’s. The Turtle Dove shows the biggest decline of any species. Habitat loss is thought to be the main driver of population decline for many species, but oil and plastic pollution are also factors, as is disease - such as trichomonasis and avian flu  Certain species typically associated with urban areas / habitats (Swift, House Martin, Starling and House Sparrow) are also declining. Predation by cats might be a factor, the Mammal Society estimates that cats in the UK catch some 92 million prey items over Spring and Summer, of which around 27 million are birds. Disease such as avian malaria is another factor, one study found 74% of sparrows were infected with the parasite Plasmodium relictum; the changing nature of urban gardens may also be a consideration.  Bees and sunflower pollen grains Bees and bumblebees are struggling with various parasites /infections.  One parasite is the gut pathogen Crithidia bombi.  This is known to affect the ability of bumblebees to create a successful colony. Previous studies have indicated that the the gut microbiome of the bees can help protect against infection by this parasite.  Now a study at the University of Massachusetts Amherst has found that sunflower pollen can help bees resist infection.  It was not known why sunflower pollen was effective, it could be that the shape of the pollen grains was important or the chemical makeup within the grains, or a combination of the two. To test the ‘anti-parasitic nature of the pollen’, an experiment was set up so that some bees received the outer shell of the sunflower pollen (the sculptured exine), whilst another group received the materials from the centre of the pollen grains (but no outer coverings), and a third group received whole pollen.   Bees that received whole pollen grains or just the spiny shells had far less of the parasite in their gut compared to those eating the ‘soft centres’ .  The pollen grains and pollen shells reduced infection by 80 to 90+%.  So it is the spiny shape of the pollen grains that is important in reducing infection in the bees.  'Physical removal' of pathogens is known in other animals, for example, great apes infected with certain nematodes or tapeworms will consume bristly leaves.   These 'irritate' the gut and increase the expulsion of the parasites.

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