Bird and bumblebee decline
by Chris, 3 July, 2017, 3 comments
Recent research work at the University of Exeter (by Dr A Higginson) has suggested yet another reason for the decline in some bird and bumblebee populations - namely the loss of suitable nesting sites. Clearly birds build nests but bumblebees establish colonies or nests too.
Bumblebee nest sites vary from species to species. The more common species prefer dry, dark cavities / holes but nests can turn up in a surprising variety of places.; for example - in abandoned rodent holes, or under sheds, or in compost heaps. Some nest above ground making nests in long, thick grass, while others make nests in trees, bird boxes, and even lofts Bumblebee nests vary considerably in size depending on the time of year and the species; a well-established nest can contain up to 400 bees. Read more...