Red squirrel, grey squirrel

Britain has two types of squirrel, but only one of them – the red squirrel – is actually native to the country. The grey squirrel was introduced into the UK about 130 years ago. There are now some 2.5 million grey squirrels in the UK, compared to 160,000 native red squirrels.
The majority of the red squirrels are now found in Scotland, Wales and North East England, with smaller populations in places like the Isle of Wight and Norfolk (Thetford Chase). The distribution of squirrels in Ireland may be seen here . The number of red squirrels has fallen dramatically as it has lost out in competition with the grey squirrel, in terms of young (kittens) produced; certainly this is true in deciduous broadleaved woodland and forest. This may be associated with the red squirrel not being able to digest acorns (often plentiful in such habitats).
There is also a marked difference in foraging behaviour between the two squirrels; the grey squirrels spend much more time on the woodland floor than the red squirrels (and they tend to raid the red squirrels stores!). It has been estimated that only one red squirrel in six lives as long as a year.
One place in the UK where the red squirrel survives in native broadleaved woodland is on the Isle of Wight; here the grey squirrel is kept at bay.
Red squirrels are at home amongst Hazel, Beech, Scots and Corsican Pine, Sweet Chestnut and Wild Cherry, where their main food is the nuts and seeds, although they will also eat flowers and shoots from trees; and even forage for mushrooms and fungi. They are most likely to experience food shortages in early summer, when the current year’s fruits and seeds are forming.
The parapox virus and the loss of woodland and forest may also have contributed to the decline of red squirrels over the last few decades. Fortunately, the red squirrel is included in the National Biodiversity Action Plan and there are a number of initiativesto help and protect local populations.
Red Squirrel week this year is 30th September to the 8th October. If you can help with sightings of red squirrel, then visit the Wildlife Trusts.
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theirs grey squirrels where i work in ayrshire and its a rarety here to see any squirrels i dont know if i have the heart to report them what would happen to them.
Can You Tell Me Why And Gow They Were Introduced Into The U.K ?
Cheers .
Oops forgot to mention, I need this for some science coursework so if anyone would be so kind as to give me an answer I would be very grateful.
I need to know how the grey squirrels were introduced into the UK. The article just says that they were released into Henbury Park, Cheshire and that is it. I need to actually know HOW they were introduced into the UK. Please can someone reply as soon as possible?!?!?!
how manyy red squirrels are there in the worlddd????
Hi i am Dylan and i had this as a report when i was in year 10 at school well actually i was home schooled but still
Dear Caitlyn
they are more successful because they are bigger stronger and have a better understanding of the environment they are in.
I hope that answers your question.
can you tell me how the grey squirrels are more successful in the deciduous woodland than the red squirrels
thanks =D
During or just after the last war grey squrils tails were 1 shilling each so why dont we ask the public with gund to shoot the greys squrils so whats the problem in this modern age we should be able to find a way to whipe them out.I have shot many in my area and I soon found the numbers deminishing thats in one small area so dont anyone tell me we can control is a problem.
I live in Aberdeen and have just had a regular visitor to my garden of a grey squirrel,and having read some comments of the damage they will cause, how is the best way to deter the visitor?
how they adapt
It seems a reasonable supposition that the people who introduced the eastern grey squirrel to Great Britain did it for the same sort of reason that they introduced non-native plants – they thought they would enhance their estates.
The major reason for the decline of the European red squirrel in Great Britain is probably habitat destruction – they like pine forests – but the grey squirrel doesn’t help. Greys are twice the size of reds (up to 800g versus up to 400g) and are less discriminating about what they eat – it is said that they will eat new acorns, for example, whereas red squirrels like mature acorns, which they won’t find if the greys have eaten them all before they reach maturity. Grey squirrels are also immune to squirrelpox but they carry it and will infect red squirrels with it where the populations co-exist.
Thanks – fascinating! I’d heard of organised culls of grey squirrels in the 1930s but not reds (it didn’t work with the greys because neighbouring colonies just moved in). It seems the red squirrel had pretty much died out in the Highlands, then Lady Lovat re-introduced them in 1844 to her estate. Then when they were judged to have been too successful, they were shot in large numbers. With the largest number being shot on the Lovat estate!
You might be interested to know that the Scottish Wildlife Trust has just got the go-ahead from the Scottish Parliament to reintroduce the European Beaver to Scotland. They had been hunted to extinction for their fur by the 16th century. Does an animal still count as native if it hasn’t lived in a country for 400 years?
Hi, It is a commonly held belief that the grey squirrel was responsible for the decline of the red squirrel. Man played his part in this decline.
Long before the grey squirrel came onto the scene we were destroying their habitat. Our navy’s warships were made of wood and we cut it down. By the mid seventeen hundreds red squirrels were believed to be extinct in Scotland and this had nothing to do with the greys. They didn’t fare much better in England but there was worse to come. By the early nineteen hundreds competition for wood, between men and red squirrels was becoming intense and now we had guns. We formed squirrel clubs and encouraged our members to shoot red squirrels. We handed out free cartridges and payed bounty for red tails. Famously by nineteen thirty two, the Highland Squirrel Club (google it) were boasting of eighty thousand red squirrels, shot. Nowadays there is a tendency to say, “Hey, look what the grey squirrels have done! Let’s shoot them.” Does anyone know why there are no beavers left?
[…] is an answer to all those questions on the Red squirrel, grey squirrel blog asking about the introduction of grey […]
We are doing a project on red and grey squirrels, we need to know how and why the greys were introduced to Britian in the first place.
Any info no this?
Chow chow
[…] had to worry about the impact of the imported grey squirrel on our native red squirrel (see blog ). However, it now seems there is another player on the scene: the black squirrel. Whereas red […]
How did they come across to the U.K like how did they actually get over? And the population grow rapidly so quickly?
How where the grey squirrels adapted to the U.K? The reason Why? Please give answer, i need this for my cousework..
Thanks ~Paul~
I am an American who has been living in New England
my entire life.I believe the Gray Squirrel was a Yank like me. We here have both Gray and Red Squirrels living together in our forrest. There are a lot more Grays then Reds. I do not believe the unfortunate introduction of the Gray Squirrel into your enviroment will make the Red Squirrel dissappear altogether. You will just have less of them.
Thanks for the information, but why were they introduced into Britain. And how?
Please could u add infomation on why there is compitition between the two and what dod they do????????????????????
[…] reported in the woodlands blog last year, the red squirrel population in the UK is under threat. One of the threats is the parapox virus. […]
In Norway as far as we know we only have red squirrels. They don’t tend to live in cities and parks like the U.K. ones though, so we see them much more rarely.
I didn’t know they flourish on the Isle of Wight – I’m going there in a couple of weeks, will try and get some photos.
How did the grey squirrels here, did someone bring them if so from where?
Please answer I need to know for some homework i’m doing!
23 October, 2009