The Big Butterfly (and moth) Count, 2015.

The big butterfly count is up and running for this year. It was launched in 2010 and has become one of the world's biggest survey of butterflies.
It is a nationwide survey and is aimed at assessing the ‘health” of our environment, and that of butterfly populations. Butterflies and moths are good indicators of biodiversity, and reflect changes in various environmental parameters.
In 2014, over 44,000 people took part; they counted some 560,000 individual butterflies and day-flying moths across the UK (view the 2014 results).
To join in with big butterfly count 2015 this summer, all that you need to do is simply count butterflies for 15 minutes during bright (preferably sunny) weather during the big butterfly count (which runs from 17th July to 9th August); though sightings can be logged until the end of August. Sightings from parks, school grounds and gardens, to fields, woodlands and forests are valuable – they all help to build a picture of butterfly (and moth) populations.
You can submit separate records for different dates at the same place, and for different places that you visit. Your count is useful even if you do not see any butterflies or moths!
There is very useful identification chart available to help you identify which butterflies you have seen. You can send in your records online at or you can use the FREE big butterfly count smartphone apps (available for iOS and Android).
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Where are the butterflies in 2015? . In 25 years of a I acre nature friendly no cutting grass loads of flowers garden I have seen about 5 all year . What is going on . I have travelled about and normally relatively rich places have a few of the browns and that’s it . I google and bing `whats going on with butterflies 2015` but there seems no reports of the dreadful numbers . There were next to no caterpilars on any of my extensive fruit trees and bushes and I have never sprayed ever.
Perhaps contact Butterfly Conservation direct ?
or sign up for their monthly free email ?
15 August, 2015