Midges, Mosquitoes and Marmite – coping with insects in woodlands

There are lots of ways to cope with the irritation of being bitten by insects in woodlands and here are some ideas from various experienced woodland workers.
Avoid Them Altogether
First of all consider when mosquitoes and midges are most active. In the winter, early spring and autumn mosquitoes and midges are much less active so this is a good time to do your energetic, outdoor work. Carbon dioxide from breathing and from forestry machinery will attract insects so it's good to avoid doing major forestry operations in the summer months if possible.
If you have to work in the summer, mosquitoes and midges are much less active in the mornings and when there is a good breeze. Mosquitoes are less active where there is bright sunshine, though this will not discourage horse flies and midges (or "midgies" as they are known in Scotland). Aside from the time of year, time of day and the level of sunshine there are various protective measures you can take, of which the most obvious is to cover up well.
Smoke out the Midgies and Mossies
Smoking may be bad for your health, but it does keep away the midges! Even better is a campfire. You may smell like a kipper by the end of the day, but your fire can keep the worst of the biting insects at bay.
Are you Repelled by Repellents?
What about repellents? People have mixed views, but there is no doubt that the underlying chemical in most of these - DEET (Diethyltoluamide) - is effective in repelling most insects. This is the active ingredient in many sprays including Repel Plus (from Boots), Johnson's OFF, Deep Woods OFF and Muskol. The concentration used varies enormously, from 5% for children's sprays and up to 30% and above for some of the Muskol products. Another popular range of repellents is the Jungle Formula range, the strongest of which has 50% DEET.
Many people don't like using these products because of possible allergic reactions and fears about toxicity. It should certainly be kept away from the eyes as it can be a strong irritant, and there may be dangers with repeated applications on children. It should also be avoided by people with severe skin conditions and not used on parts of the body where skin rubs against another skin surface for a significant period of time. Follow the instructions on the packet.
More Natural Alternatives
More natural alternatives include lavender essential oil which is mild enough to be applied directly to the skin as a few drops. Other essential oils such as patchouli, citronella or lemongrass essential oils must be mixed with a carrier oil such as almond. Just 2-3 drops of oil for every teaspoon of carrier.
Other creams are said to help by preventing the insects getting their mouthparts into your skin Johnson's baby oil has been used successfully and, in a more perfume-like way, lemon cologne is said by some to work well. Avon Skin-So-Soft is claimed to work on a similar basis and repeated applications will not damage the skin.
Drinking for Protection
Some people favour eating or drinking in ways that discourage mosquitoes and midges. One suggestion is that drinking cider vinegar with honey is effective. It's a pleasant enough drink with an apple-y flavour and the effect is to make your blood taste unattractive to bugs. Fans of cider vinegar also claim that if you have been bitten a splash of neat cider vinegar works well on the irritated skin.
Eating for Protection
It's often observed that some people seem to attract insect biters more than others, so much so that if you travel with someone who is particularly attractive they will draw the biters away from you. Assuming that your companion may not be willing to act as live bait for your day in the woods, what if you're one of those people who seem particularly tasty to bugs?
It's a widespread urban myth that eating Marmite on your toast makes you less attractive to insects. If true, this seems like a small price to pay to make yourself repellent to insects (or maybe you're a Marmite lover!). Other foodstuffs that are said to help are vitamin B and garlic. Although, it's more likely that the flavour of your breath puts off the biting insects than the change in your blood flavour!
What works for you? Let us know in the comments section below.
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I swear by Smidge:
I take cider vinegar and honey for Arthritis and I LOVE Marmite so I can go anywhere in the world at any time,it works for me
I tried that and so many other, so called remedies; I smelt like breakfast, not only for Sandflies but people 2..
Use a repellant. I use good tropical liquid; brand doesnt matter.
If for some reason, the repellant rubs off or wears off after a while and it will!
So look out for that.
Use deoderant. I use a cheap roll on.
Rub generously, on and around the bite (pee) this Will take some minutes to work but well worth it. Far better than any non-itchy stuff on the market.
I spent many years in the Australian Army and tried everything but the kitchen sink. Deoderant works! If you are hunting or being hunted; get the uncented! or else.. lol
Help off to Kos in September . Am eating 2 spoonfuls a day of marmite . Do I need to take some with me to still use can anyone tell me ? Also intend to get Avon so Soft . Really dread been eaten alive as on previous holidays to Greece .
I tend to get bitten on my scalp, elbows and ankles …
I’ve found that rubbing a small amount of Olbas oil onto my hands, then running through my hair, massaging my elbows and ankles does the trick.
Not the most alluring of aromas … but it stops the bites!
The marmite technique is tried and tested with me. Two weeks in Kenya and I got 2 bites on the first night. They came up quite badly. On the second morning and everyday after I had marmite on toast and I did not get bitten again. I also use deet at home.
My husband, a dentist, says to cover yourself in brown sugar…it won’t stop them biting but it will rot their teeth!!! BoomBoom! But seriously, I have had some bites that have become so inflamed & infected that I have required serious medical treatment. Over the years I’ve tried nearly every product or suggestion & the 2 that seem to work for me are; taking Marmite, 2 weeks before I go on holiday & every day I’m away. Also the blue Avon Skin-so-Soft dry oil body spray. If I’m bitten I now make a paste of baking soda, lemon juice & aloe vera, spread it on thick, it looks unsightly but it helps with the itch!
Cider vinegar eh? I’m definitely going to try that next time thanks for sharing!
i find that biting them back works quite well. News travels quick within the bug community and they tend to keep away from the crazy guy with the teeth….!!!
I am, at the top of the Midgie food list.
Having tried most every method I’ve heard of, nothing works that is comfortable for me.
So I rug up on hot days (OH! what a feeling, Toyota)
However, what I have found effective …immediately, after each attack… is cheap roll on deodorant rubbed firmly into the area affected.
The bites then go away quickly with no after affects; itching etc.
Just remember that the midge is the top predator of the northern tundra. They evolved to eat mammoth.
Look small.
Wear a midge net to cover your head and face. Protects against all UK insects but hands are still vulnerable. Deet doesn’t deter some biting flies. Midge nets are warming so may be disagreeable when working hard.
I use a natural product by maggies tisserand oils called no midges really works
Don’t overlook the various ultrasonic devices that are available. It’s only pregnant female midges that bite and certain frequencies of ultrasound mimick the noise of an eager male – the last thing that mum-to-be wants in her condition! I use them with good results and they’re useful alternatives for those who either worry about the long-term effects of DEET (especially re: kids) or smothering themselves in so much cream/lotion that you can’t hold onto your chainsaw…
Not great for hearing-aid users though as they can cause sonic interference unless you wear digital models.
[…] they are thought to be superior. Tucking in might also keep away those troublesome midges (see blog http://www.woodlands.co.uk/blog/wildlife/midges-mosquitoes-and-marmite-coping-with-insects-in-woodla…) […]
If you’re in Scotland, try the Midge Forecast http://www.midgeforecast.co.uk/2008/
On a clear night you can often see a spiral of midgies queing above me to land like planes at heathrow! Two years ago somebody suggested that i try garlic capsuels from the supermarket. They worked a treat for the past two years…..but now they dont seem to work anymore. But try them! if one does not work, then go for two. I am up to three a day now, and have a good strong heart as well becuase of it ;)
I discovered a product called Arnywear last year – it’s fabric rather than a spray (normal repellents make me come out in worse bumps than mosquito bites!). I was a bit sceptical when I was given some (a black ‘multipurpose’ fabric square) but thuoght it worth trying…and I have to admit it was absolutely brilliant. I usually get eaten by them and after a weeks camping only had 2 bites. pretty amazing I have to say.
Avon Skin So Soft really is brilliant. I always get bitten and react badly but, in a recent ‘test’ of the scented oil, we had a picnic on a Scottish island covered in clouds of midges. After a while, even I relaxed and they eventually left in disgust without biting anyone – truly amazing.
More Natural Alternatives:
I’ve found Mosi-guard Natural (http://www.mosi-guard.com), to be very effective, and it’s available in various forms, including sprays and a solid deodorant style stick, it’s Eucalyptus-based, and I think you can get it from Boots, and possibly Blacks or Millets.
I’d also say avoid being out late afternoon – midges always seem to be at their worst about 5pm. It’s the way they get in your hair and up your nose that I really hate. In our family baking soda made into a paste with water and applied as a poultice is the traditional treatment for mosquito bites.
I use lemongrass essential oil in a moisturiser base. I get the base from Superdrug, Vitamin E cream. It works for me and I have a rather sensitive skin. Insects love me. I make it quite strong and they don’t bite.
Mike has more attractive blood than me… so, as long as I am near him, he gets bitten and I don’t!
Works for me!
oh and we have a large citronella candle we light too – Its supposed to help but got no proof yet!
Thank you
10 August, 2015