Discovering Long Wood – a year in the life of a small wood – December

Heather and Rodney kept a diary for twelve months in 2008, and this is the final instalment. They do some overdue detective work, and make some surprising discoveries ...
The Diary may have finished, but the work and enjoyment continue. Heather and Rodney are keen members of the Small Woodland Owners Group ( and sometimes give us updates, and even invite members to meetings in their wood. . There are lots more woodland owners in SWOG – you can join for free, see the monthly newsletter, get information about meetings, and keep in touch with the world of small woodlands.
Missed some previous months? Read the whole diary here ...
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Heather and I would like to thank all those who have posted comments througout the year on our Long Wood Diary. Thank you also to Margaret of for editing the original work and posting it on their website.
It has been a pleasure to share our experiences and hope it may encourage others to want to spend time in such a fascinating environment. We continue to learn in all directions – from coppicing to insect life.
We intend to spend even more time in our woodland with my imminent retirement and are happy to discover that is possible to teach old dogs new tricks!
what an awesome year! fantastic to read about your achievements and the weather, trees and changes in the woods. Awe inspring, inspirational, uplifting! You have brought to life a bit of the M25 I drive by regularly, and really given me something to think about. I am impressed, inspired and very happy for you both. Good luck for the future enjoyement and custody of Long Wood. Fantastic!
Have not been on your site for a long time, due to illness.
Looking and reading about your accomplishments re-enforces the belief that life continues long after we mortals shuffle off the coil!
Once Ron is retired, there will be more time to delve into your woods past history.Does this mean “goodbye SAGA” ?
Bill & Moira Main
3 July, 2010