Golden Hill Wood

We had been looking for a wood preferably with a open area for sometime. We had a look at a few that were not right for us, thinking it was never going to happen. One day I opened an email and there it was - in September 2022. Golden Hill Wood, I immediately called Stuart, the area manager, and we arranged to view it. Well, it was just perfect and literally five minutes away from our home, so the ball started to roll.
It was time for some research on equipment, we got some good advice locally, so a chainsaw, brushcutter, and other equipment was purchased. Having a walk around with Stuart, taking on some good advice, we then started to work on our new heaven.
Golden Hill Wood has some old broadleaf trees but mainly spruce, fur and a few Douglas Firs amongst others. The wood not been cared for in many years, so I set to taking lower branches off to head height, a few had to be removed including a couple of tactical removals with trees broken half way up, removing the many brambles that had stored from the ground to the canopy in a web like manner. I found myself pulling brambles from one tree only to see I'm pulling a tree further away as there was so much of it. Patience is a virtue and I got there. It is not the end, but everything is now manageable so I have a few hours work and then a chill out.
I have a couple of tarpaulin areas which the granddaughters just love and embrace and lend their little hands. When Roe or Red Deer are about, we have two sets of Buzzards along with Red Kite and. of course, Bunnies. We spent New Years Eve 2022-23 there and I've made a wild camp under a basher.
I'd recommend anyone taking a wood on. It is so peaceful and calming.
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No Price? of course…. you can start a bidding war and increase profits.
15 April, 2024