Owning Regis Wood

I am 76 years old and was surfing the ‘Net’, which I have done for many years now and my dream was to own a piece of land. Apart from many other qualifications, I have a Diploma in Farm Management, obtained at Sparsholt Farming College near Winchester. I came upon a web site called Woodlands. co. uk. I was very impressed on the amount of information and comprehensive explanations on how to buy and manage woodland on this web-site.
Regis Wood at Forton near Chard Somerset caught my attention and I contacted the Area manager, Daniel Sharp; who immediately gave me all the information I needed. He trusted me to go to the woodland and said he would hold the sale until I had decided whether to buy it or not. All the negotiations were done on the phone. There are lists of Solicitors on the Web site, who deal with this type of purchase. As they say ‘Horses for courses’. All was completed in 6 weeks.
The woodland is only 1 ¾ acres, full of conifers and broadleaf trees and Bluebells in the spring. It was originally part of a 40-acre woodland, so a local farmer tells me. there is still a large amount of woodland to be purchased in the same area.
Occasionally we go down to Regis Wood in our small caravan for a couple of nights to recharge our batteries. You then realise you are more of a free spirit when you own the wood. You do not have to book in, worry about getting there by a certain time, and leaving by a certain date. Valerie and I are trying to encourage wild life by making and putting up Bird nesting and Bat boxes Planting wild flowers and edible fungi. Then there is the study of the different trees and you learn that conservation is a must.
It has given us a new lease of life and interest away from the mundane routine and demands from those who think because you are retired that you have plenty time on your hands. I thoroughly recommend it if you have the cash just lying in the Bank just for a rainy day, use it, life is too short. The relatives you leave behind will.
A bonus to the position of our woodland is that the town of Chard is only 5 minutes away. This is a small compact town, which caters for your every need. There is also an official campsite only a few hundred yards away if you require emergency supplies.
I know we have only owned Regis Wood for a few months, but we have not regretted buying it. When you are there all your worries, if any, are left at home. Valerie and I thoroughly recommend it.
Tony and Valerie Hutley
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[…] the Bank just for a rainy day, use it, life is too short. The relatives you leave behind will”. Read the full account on the Woodlands […]
I to have been looking to purchase a small woodland (up to 8 acres, but they seem to be very rare around our part of the country. We will have to keep on looking and hope we find one soon.
to Kevin West,
please keep looking for your piece of woodland; we only had a small budget and looked for five years – we have at last found our piece of paradise and love it, so never give up
hi tony and valerie,
My husband and I have just purchased a small wood of 2 acres for our selves, and our children to have fun in.
It is true all your worries do melt away and the peace and tranquility are priceless.
We too are planning to get a camper van so that we can stay there for holidays and weekends,carry on enjoying your woods I know we will.
What a great message for all of us!
I love your enthusiasm and your blog is definately inspiring.
Thank you for bringing a smile to my face.
It was lovely to read of your experiences now you own a wood;it is a dream come true. I would love to own and preserve a bluebell wood with a stream. My daughter has a degree etc’ in conservation so it would be perfect. Have a small budget and will keep looking.
Thank you for your inspiration.
A dream come true ! Congratulations your wood looks such a lovely place.I just love the idea of owning and preserving a small bluebell wood with a stream. I agree that owning one is far better than keeping money in the bank. My daughter has a degree in conservation etc’ and know it would be just perfect for her. Have a small budget and will keep looking.
Thank you for your inspiration.
I have subscribed to various woodland websites with a view to owning a small woodland (all that seems to be offered are large ones which I guess only really wealthy people have access to. Wish I could find one.
Are you allowed to build a small sustainable log cabin, manage and preserve the woods and live there forever?
It would be magical
Christie Fleming
3 December, 2017