Stick and flick, a possible solution to dog mess in woodlands. What to do?

One of the most read blogs is that entitled “Stick and flick, a possible solution to dog mess in woodlands”. It also has elicited some very detailed comments. It concerns the problem of dog faeces / poo that is left in woodlands and public spaces. A NFU survey in Scotland revealed significant issues associated with irresponsible access, notably
- livestock worrying by dogs,
- the impacts of owners failing to pick up faeces after their pets, but also plastic bag pollution .
Whilst, there is no shortage of dog fouling laws in the United Kingdom, the hanging of poo-filled plastic bags from bushes and trees has sadly become commonplace in many areas. Local authorities in England and Wales receive many thousands of complaints about dog fouling each year.
Not only is dog faeces a risk to us in terms of disease (due to bacteria such as E.coli and Campylobacter, plus parasites such as hookworms and roundworms), but it is also a danger to livestock through parasites such as Neospora, which can cause abortion in cattle, and Sarcocystis which affects sheep.
Forestry England asks you “Bag and bin your dog's waste. Any public or household waste bin can take bagged dog poo.” The National Trust has produced a Canine Code, like that displayed at Mottistone Manor, Isle of Wight (see below). It offers sound advice for wherever you are walking your dog be it a National Trust property or local woodland.
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Dog poo, horse poo, rabbit poo, fox poo et al.
Surely flicking your dog‘s poo away from footpaths or where walkers roam has to be preferable to plastic bags?
Surely dog owners don’t pursue their dogs into the bushes to bag up their poo?
I get it that fields with livestock should be kept clean – but what do farmers do about all the wild animals that frequent their pastures?
Are rats particularly partial to Winnalot, Pal or Chum?
Apparently rats love dog faeces to eat so by leaving the mess these rodents are being encouraged. It is so easy to buy good sized pick up bags and scoop the poop. The problem tends to arise when there is nowhere to deposit the deposit, I always buy bags with tie handles, carry it back to the car and hook it on the rear windscreen wiper, no need to hang it in a tree (or try to throw it into the undergrowth when it then gets caught).
My pet hate is people who have no control whatsoever over their dog (or dogs) and letting the animals cause a nuisance to others – humans and other dogs). No dog is totally trustworthy.
I carry a camping trowel and bury our dogs poop in our own woodland, same as I would if I was wild camping.
Not sure why there is any need to flick poo or use a plastic bag and collect it for landfill.
A lightweight trowel can be used to dig a decently deep but small hole, kick it in and fill it in and stamp it down and job done. It will break down into the soil and feed the trees.
Tree bogs work on the same principal, so why use the same principal for dog poop?
No need for the trowel to touch any poo at all if you use our boot to nudge it in before filling the hole back in.
Frankie Rodgers
14 January, 2023