The Xmas Quiz 2009

This year our annual quiz revolves around woodland or wood-related activities or pastimes, some more obvious than others (!), and all featured somewhere in our blog or
Just match the 12 activities to the 12 pictures below. To start you off, Picture No 1 is "making a cup of tea" with a Kelly kettle. The first 6 correct answers will win one of our very special wooden USB memory sticks! Send your answers and contact details to [email protected] by 9th Jan 2010.
Activities: making a cup of tea; baking bannock bread; spoon carving; making sloe gin; trout tickling; orienteering; beekeeping; horse logging; basket weaving; using a pole lathe (green woodworking); traditional firewood (pimps); making paling for fencing. You can find out more about all these and more activities in our blog and at
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