Woodlands Awards are back for 2020 – COVID-19 notwithstanding!

We launched the Woodlands Awards 2020 earlier in the year – but then came the Coronavirus, with wave upon wave of shock announcements, restrictions to movement, and daily bad news.
Now that we seem to be getting used to the “new normal”, and now that the possibility of emerging from the lockdown is beginning to appear on the horizon, we thought it was time to remind you of the Woodlands Awards.
- Three months to go until the deadline of 31 July 2020.
- Plenty of time to put together an entry!
- There are prizes to be won (multiple prizes in every category)! Woodland books, woodland equipment, winners’ certificates…
Win a prize for yourself – or win it for someone else, or an enterprise, or an organisation that you think especially deserves recognition.
Once again, the Woodlands Awards are all about spotlighting and celebrating the hard work, knowledge, enterprise and artistry invested in British woodlands. But we know you are busy people, so we have made the Woodlands Awards as easy-to-enter as possible. For example, when we specify “up to 250 words” for a brief description, we mean just that – just a few words in an email could do it!
Take a look at the categories listed below. Go to the website page to find out more and how to enter.
We tweak the list of Awards each year, always in search of the perfect combo. This year we have fourteen categories in total. We have ADDED three new ones:
- Woodland Instagrams
- Woodland Huts
- Woodland Tree-Planting Projects
(Note that, to make room, we have DROPPED four categories that appeared in earlier years: Woodland Sculpture, Woodland Dogs, Woodland Hair (and/or Beards), Woodfair Trade Stands.)
Past winners please note: the competition rules say that winners cannot win an award in the same category for a second time, but there is nothing to stop them entering (or being entered) in another category.
Any questions? Please email [email protected]
Still hesitating? Have a look at the lists of past winners: 2017, 2018, 2019. Remember, the deadline is 31 July 2020. Don’t leave it to the last minute!
Full list of Woodlands Awards 2020
Awards for individuals
- Woodland Blogs
- Small Woodland Websites
- Woodland Photography
- Woodland Instagrams – NEW!
- Woodland Tool Recommendations
- Whole Wood Owners’ Coordinators
- Woodland Huts – NEW!
Awards for enterprises
- Woodland Contractors
- Woodland Tree-Planting Projects – NEW!
- Forest Schools
- Woodland Courses
- Community Woods
- Woodland Books of the Year
- Regional and National Woodland Organisations
Featured image : Fox, by Cathy Ryan, 2019 Woodland Photography Award winner
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