Forestry Commision – the National Forest Inventory (NFI).

The Forestry Comission has just announced the first results of the National Forest Inventory (NFI); the NFI replaces the National Inventory of Woodlands and Trees (NIWT). The 'woods and trees' inventory has been compiled (using various methods) since the 1920’s when there was considerable concern about the ‘stock’ of woodland and timber that could used in an ‘emergency’; e.g. when it was not possible to import timber from Europe or ‘The Empire’ as was the case during WW1.
The new inventory make use of high tech aerial photography and satellite imaging ; these allow things to be seen in much greater detail than before. Improved GIS (geographic information systems / software) allows more accurate data capture and detailed reporting. Specific details of the differences between the NFI and NIWT can found at
The NFI has recorded all woods greater than 0.5 ha (both rural and urban) and the results show that the U.K. has more woodland than previously estimated.
Area | New estimate (hectares) | Old estimates (hectares) |
U.K. total | 2, 982, 000
(13% of TLA*) |
2, 757, 000
12% |
England | 1, 294, 000
9.9% |
1, 130, 00
8.7% |
Scotland | 1,385, 000
17.8% |
17.2% |
Wales | 303, 500
14.3% |
284, 000
13.7% |
* TLA = of total land area |
It is hoped that the NFI survey will provide a ‘robust and credible” baseline for planning increased tree cover across the U.K, especially in urban areas. Planners and developers seem to be realising the importance of ‘ecological services’ provided by trees and woodlands – for example:
- An urban cooling effect
- Improving the visual environment
- Interception of heavy rain / run off
- Absorption of carbon dioxide / acting as a Carbon store
- Soil stabilisation
Further information available here : and
Perhaps the information /data that this project generates will also help inform the deliberations of the Independent Forestry Panel -
Postscript :
The 'value' of trees and nature, in general, has just been looked at through the National Ecosystem Assessment scheme. Scientists have tried to put an economic value on the various ecosystems and ecosystem services that our environment offers. British woodlands and heaths draw in carbon, and also offer places to walk and relax. Our bees and other pollinating insects play a vital role in the pollination of fruit and other crops. Clean rivers promote diversity, whilst allowing for economic benefits through boating, sailing and angling. Details of this survey - the first detailed assessment since 1945 can be found here and |
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good news: maybe local planners won’t be so anal with there tpo’s in future – but i doubt it. Up the revolution .
Long live our forests for we may one day need to hide .
see also
for further comment on the National Ecosystem Assessment.
4 June, 2011